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drawing for the Breton edition of DCC

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:34 am
by BaophraT
DCC bzhk II.jpg
DCC bzhk II.jpg (54.9 KiB) Viewed 20247 times
Sed aze un dresadenn graet ganin nepell 'zo hag a c'hallfer ober ganti pa deuio 'maez embannadur brezhonek c'hoari-roll DCC.

Here is a drawing I made that could be used when the Breton edition comes out.

Re: drawing for the Breton edition of DCC

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:51 am
by wilkerson
Looks very cool. Looking forward to see the Breton edition. Any ideas when it will come out? I'm still playing Lankhmar and wanna try something else. Hope it's possible to get a shipment in Europe because we are going to buy property in Greece and move there soon. Otherwise, it will take a very long time for me to try the Breton edition.

Re: drawing for the Breton edition of DCC

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:27 am
by BaophraT
Evit poent n'em eus goulennet aotre ebet digant ar re o deus savet ar c'hoari... Padal e vefen kontant-tre kinnig ar bennoberenn-se da'm c'henvroidi, evit ma vo gouest ar Vretoned da dañva ouzh blaz dispar DCC... Mignoned din zo prest da grogiñ 'barzh dija, evit a sell un droidigezh. Ra deuio 'maez un embannadur e yezh ma bro a-barzh ma varvin !

At the moment, I have not requested any authorization from the creators of the game. However I would be very happy to propose this masterpiece to my compatriots, so that all Bretons can taste DCC... Friends of mine are already ready to start translating. May a translation in the language of my country see the day before I die