DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

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Ill-Fated Peasant
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DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by adminfoo »

Help me out of this corner I've painted myself into. My players have successfully defeated Azubal after putting together the pieces and surmising he was a vampire. That was their first leg of the adventure, they haven't ventured to the dwarven ruins or the cannibal village yet.

Here's my problem. After the heroes welcome for returning the vampire victims back to Wildsgate, and telling the whole village how they'd bested a goblin vampire, the players were given an audience with Lady Aborn the next day so she could personally thank them for their work.

The player in possession of the key never put the pieces together from Azubals opening dialog that Aborn was seeking it, nor had he paid heed to the rumors of Aborns evil intentions. So when Aborn rushed them through their tale, and quickly cut to 'were you able to recover anything', the key holder quickly presented the key despite the cautions of the other players. Aborn of course claimed it was a family heirloom and the player gave it to her. Another player (a dwarf) questioned how a key of dwarven make was a family heirloom, she played to his dwarven pride and quickly lied that it was the master key to the Wildsgate treasury located in the Keep's dungeons, and was dwarven make beacuse of course you would employ master dwarven crafters to create a storehouse of that quality.

After they left Aborn's audience the other players rightly berated the player for giving away a key, and some investigation around town revealed no one had ever heard of an underground treasury in the keep.

So anyone have any ideas how I can help write the players out of this pickle, and get their key back?
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Re: DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by JediOre »

You will need to create a scenario where the PCs will have to, in the dead of night, infultrate and steal back the key.
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Re: DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by Mike_Ferguson »

I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

Let the PCs notice that there's considerably more activity amongst Lady Aborn's guards. Then, when they investigate, they should find that some have been given something "very important" to protect. (They can find this by bribing or tricking the guards, by spying on them, or perhaps one of Lady Aborn's servants has a loose tongue, or at least one that can be loosened with a few gold coins.) It's a great opportunity for some role-playing, at any rate.

Just figure out where in the Keep you want to put the key, and how well you want that area guarded, and go from there.

Also, keep in mind that unless the PCs are very stealthy in their "re-acquisition" of the key, Lady Aborn will probably brand the PCs as criminals if she discovers their larcenous behavior. :twisted:
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Re: DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by JediOre »

I'd take a more "supernatural" approach, but Mike's idea is great.

Have the PC rogue wake up that very night. The rest of the party is sound asleep, but something woke the one PC. If the party is still in town, have a strong moonbean shining down upon the shrine of someone the "Swift" (it's been a while since I've read this). If out in the Wilds, have the PC see a shooting star over the town and the feeling the event is calling to him. When the PC returns to the town use the moonbean. The PC feels the need to visit the shrine.

Once there, the PC sees a single copper piece resting on the shrine. If the PC picks it up he will feel the presence of something residing in the castle he must locate. (In game terms, the coin acts as a powerful "locate object" spell focused on the key.) Allow the coin to give a minor bonus on rolls needed to sneak in and liberate the key. It will be up to the PC if the party gets involved or if it will be a solo quest. Perhaps, due to divine influence, several of the guards are away from their posts for a short time.

This approach will allow the rogue PC a patron for the campaign since this thief god has taken a shine to the rogue PC.

Does the coin retain magical properties after this adventure? That's up to you. Perhaps it could be used as a commune spell once a week or so. Perhaps it will continue to give the PC a bonus on thieving skills that may rise as the PC gains levels.

There's my two cents worth.
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Re: DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by adminfoo »

JediOre, I think you just saved my bacon. Thanks all for the great suggestions. I think that having a little divine intervention is just the spice this one needed. Our rogue is a good role player too, so I know he'll play this one to the fullest.

Thanks again for all the great advice.
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Re: DCC #28 Into the Wilds help

Post by JediOre »


Let us know how things turn out.

Glad to be of help!
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