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DCC 35a - Beastgod?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:29 pm
by Mark_Gedak
Maybe I'm not reading the GM's Guide in this box set right but I can't seem to find the name of the Beastgod that figures prominantly in the "Halls of the Minotaur".

Is the beastgod in the GM's guide or is he a lost/forgotten deity?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:47 pm
by Ogrepuppy
I don't claim to be an expert, but I did read the module and ran it. I don't think there is a beast god. The Order of the Beastmen were more like scientists, willing to "experiment" on their own bodies.

The Beastlords were a cult, and they didn't worship a specific god per se. I get the impression they revered those among their order that were most powerful ("the most powerful is the alpha male" / pack mentality and all that). The cultist that had become the closest to the pure beastial form was held in highest regard among the cultists. Why? If you look at section 2-6, it states "A statue stares at you from the far end of the hall. The statue depicts a wolf-headed humanoid armored in studded leather."

Further, "The statue represents a warrior-saint sacred to the Beastmen. The name and significance of the saint is lost to the ages."

Harley, the author, may be able to answer more questions.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:57 pm
by Mark_Gedak
From the module, the "Order of the Beastmen" was definitely a cult. But there is a number of icongraphic incidences that imply they may be a beastgod of some sort.

Perhaps on of the fallen cult-members or perhaps the leader was elevated to demigod-hood.

We are loving the module though. The characters are at the hall of the beast-god (three encounters from the minotaur) and hoping to finish up next week. We are PbEM so its slow going but we are 1461 posts in.

I need to get planning to were our heroes will go next.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:12 pm
by Ogrepuppy
Sorry, I edited my post not realizing you'd respond so quickly.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:44 pm
by Harley Stroh

Thanks for the question. (And BTW, Purpleduck is a great blog. I should be finishing an adventure tonight, but instead I'm reading your reviews. :D)

The omission of the Beastgod is intentional, although this probably should have been articulated in a sidebar. Both you and Ogre have the gist of it – the “Beastgod” is worshipped by folks exalting nature’s bestial aspect. My intent was that the ideals of the Beastgod were so unsophisticated and universal that they might show up in scores of primitive cultures across the Known World. Particularly savage barbarians in the far north have whalebone idols hidden in the frozen depths of their ice caves – carvings that bear an uncanny resemblance to the crude mud idols sculpted by the semi-intelligent apes inhabiting the dark jungles of the south, as well as the coral murals found in the sunken, seaweed-laden cathedrals of Vyth-hsot … and so on. All harken back to a time when the gulf between god and man/kobold/whatever wasn't quite as vast as it is is "modern" day.

Does the “Beastgod” (certainly a misnomer, on some level) grant spells to devout petitioners? Absolutely. But I wanted to leave it open to the GM whether the Beastgod was some lost god, a demon or devil masquerading as a higher power, or alien intelligence reaching out across the starry void.

I know I haven't answered your question. Let me know what you decide.

(As an aside, in the home playtest, one PC decided to convert to the Beastgod cult. Bad idea. :twisted: )


Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:00 pm
by Ogrepuppy
Awesome response.

And the kobolds' gold claw pendants - could they be included in your examples of "icons" from primitive societies?

(This harkens back to a linked post -> ... php?t=2633 from several months back that asked about the pendants.)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:18 pm
by Harley Stroh
Ogrepuppy wrote:And the kobolds' gold claw pendants - could they be included in your examples of "icons" from primitive societies?
You're onto me, Ogre. :)

(BTW, are we going to have to drag you out to the next Gen Con or what?)


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:25 am
by Ogrepuppy
Harley Stroh wrote:(BTW, are we going to have to drag you out to the next Gen Con or what?)
It'd be an honor and a priviledge to be dragged by such illustrious company. :shock:

We'll see. On one hand, I'm a little scared by the sheer number of geeks (and their galaxies of...smells) that I'd have to contend with. [Honestly, I think I'm geek enough...I can't imagine a few hundred clones of me running around being dorky.] And I'm really not sure how D&D v4.0 is going to hit me.

But I'd be thrilled to meet the Goodmanites that have given my wallet such a heart attack...err, that have given me years of great modules. In fact, I really don't know what I'm going to do without DCCs in D&D4. :( Where is all that extra cash going to go...?!?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:11 pm
by GnomeBoy
Ogrepuppy wrote:... And I'm really not sure how D&D v4.0 is going to hit me. ... I really don't know what I'm going to do without DCCs in D&D4. :( Where is all that extra cash going to go...?!?
Seriously, my pockets are always at the ready, and often empty or nearly so, to lend heartfelt assistance in any such situations you or others find themselves in....

And don't worry, I'll spend it on games...!