My 4E DCC Adventure Path

For discussion of DCC modules published for D&D 4E.

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
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My 4E DCC Adventure Path

Post by Hybban »

This will probably require lots of adventure writing (changing all the monsters/traps and treasure), but the adventure should be fun! I think that my Punjar will be more suitable for Paragon adventurers, as it's a place difficult to live in, and the dangers will be real! And you can see that I've been really inspired by Harley work!

Part H1: Halls of the Minotaur (Level 1-2)

The characters are chosen to go defeat the dreaded Minotaur that threatens their village. Amidst the ruins of its lair, they find an old key, bearing signs of the dynasty of the royal Heirlooms of Wildsgate, a town only a few miles away. The elder of the village knowing about the curse that plagues the area asks the heroes to bring the key to the Baron of Wildsgate and maybe help him to bring down the curse.

Part H2: Into the wilds (Level 3-5)

The characters are hired by the fair Lady Aborn to help her half-brother getting rid of the curse. The Baron is very ill and she fears than his death brings a great danger in the area. Already, he is weak and ill and time is against them. It must be a sign of the Gods that they come with the key. Last reports have given her the position of the last two keys to bring back the heirlooms, but nobody was able to bring them back (thus her plan to attack the city, because she thinks she will never get them).

Bringing back the treasure, the characters are ‘attacked’ by Lady Aborn, which is no more than a witch, and her thugs, she flees and go directly to the village of the characters with her thugs to capture their family members and leaves.

Part H3: Legacy of the Savage Kings (Level 6-8)

Knowing that their family members’ life is at stake, the characters take on the journey to try and catch Lady Aborn, Alas they are already a few days left. The trip won’t be nice as the lands are filled with nasty critters, bandits and traps laid for them by the devious Lady.

The Lady seems to leave intentionally tracks to lure the characters behind them. Arriving to a swamp, they think they have caught up with her, but they face a mad black dragon. Will it be the last confrontation with the witch?

Part H4: Sea interlude (Level 9-10)

The witch-lady has fled them again, using powerful magic from the Savage Kings to escape with her prisoners. She left behind a last clue that leads the characters to Punjar. They have to reach the coast and get a boat to get there.

On the sea, they are attacked by a ghost ship. Will they be able to break the curse and get on with their trip, or will they be swallowed under the waters of the Lirean Sea.

Part P1: Sell swords of Punjar (Level ?)

The curse have taken days from the life of the Characters. They are behind the witch, but they must keep hope and land in Punjar.

All the tracks to find family members lead to the Beggar-King, but it seems that he has turned mad (see adventure hook in Free RPG Day gazetteer, probably the first adventure released in august?) and if the characters want to see their family members back, they’ll have to find what is happening.

Part P2: Why lurks below (Level?)

Lady Aborn is nowhere to be found, and that is because she has been sold alongside the PC’s family members as slaves to work in the prison. Lately, a lot of prisoners have been dying strangely and some hands where required to dig below further, because it seems that a new and better iron vein has been found, with probably some Mythril. At last, the city will have the riches it deserves.

But a foul darkness recover soon the city, the shadowstuff that had enslaved the Beggar-King was only the beginning of the end. Now, they have to go deeper under the ground, not only to save their loved ones, but also save Punjar and maybe all Aereth.

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Re: My 4E DCC Adventure Path

Post by JediOre »

How easy will it be to use 3.X modules in 4th edition? I recall the designers stating that the editions would be, by and large, not compatible.

Also, will the characters level at a correct "speed" in 4th edition?

As you mention, you have a strong reliance on Harley's work. You can't go wrong there.

Good luck with your new campaign!
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Re: My 4E DCC Adventure Path

Post by xredjasonx »

Yeah, I'm going going to wait for the 4E modules to come out before I run the DCC's as an adventure path. Personally, doing all that changing is too much work for me. :?
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Re: My 4E DCC Adventure Path

Post by Hybban »

The thing is that you can't convert them, and you shouldn't try to. Let's take Halls of the Minotaur as an example. The first encounter is with 3 wild dogs. It's a good low encounter for level 0 DD3.5 characters. But for level 1 DD4 characters, I've chosen 3 Gray Wolves that are in the 4E monster manual. They can serve the same purpose. Then you have the flock of ravens. There are no usable birds in the new MM, so I fall back on Drakes, nasty level 1 and 2 flying pests that are the new tool of the witch doctor. For a trap, you have to define a perception chack to detect it, an 'attack mode', a skill check to get out if need be.

This way, I don't spend more than 1 or 2 minutes to adapt each encounter to what is needed. And in the DMG, there are nice and simple rules to add or remove a level to an opponent of the PC.

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