Empire of the East books

DCC Empire of the East is a setting for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game that offers a portal to the singular world of the novels The Broken Lands, The Black Mountains, and Changeling Earth by Fred Saberhagen, and officially licensed by his estate.

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Empire of the East books

Post by BrainSandwich »

I just watched the What's New seminar at Cyclops-Con. A lot of good stuff. Bad for my wallet though. Although I have never read the Empire of East novels and so I am wondering if it is all possible to actually publish the Fred Saberhagen novels in an omnibus edition. It would be a nice add on for the Kickstarter.
Mat Mobile
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Re: Empire of the East books

Post by Mat Mobile »

@BrainSandwhich, you can easily purchase the trilogy (with the title "Empire of the East") brand new in a nice easy to read paperback from Tor books (2010 I believe). To my understanding, a few minor things were edited from the original 3 books but it won't be anything to prevent you from enjoying them.

Amazon link to Empire of the East


You can also treasure hunt the original trilogy from 1979:

And finally, you can find each original book separately:

- The Broken Lands (1968)
- The Black Mountains (1971)
- Changeling Earth (1973), also titled Ardneh's World

Personnaly, I have in my collection:

- The Changeling Earth : because the cover is just too awesome!
- The Empire of the East (2010) : I will use this copy to highlight, write notes and use to prepare adventures.
- The Empire of the East (1979) : I found it in a bookstore. Had to get it as a collector item. :lol:

Good luck in your search!
Chesterfield King
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Re: Empire of the East books

Post by Chesterfield King »

Has anyone read both the omnibus and the original novels? I'm just curious if there are enough differences to warrant getting one version over another. Both are available for Kindle, but I am leaning towards the three separate novels since they are published by the author's estate.
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