Playtest Comment Thread
Here's the compiled list of what Jeren gave the three, and what we recieved from the battle. I'm assuming this is all the group wants.
- 3 Healing Kits
- 3 Bottles of Cure Minor Wounds
- 2 Waterskins w/clean water
- 2 extra bowstrings, human-made but sturdy
- 2 Light Horses with saddles and bits. (+2 Ride DC because these animals are meant to drag wagons, not carry riders)
- Compass
- Toy rust monster
- 20 arrows
- 50 gp from Jeren
- 12 gp from the battle
And for the sake of it, I'm going to divide this up amongst you.
Ox recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of Cure Minor Wounds, Compass, Toy Rust Monster, 20 gp.
Almarath recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of Cure Minor Wounds, Light horse with saddle and bit, 21 gp.
Arisitrina recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of cure minor wounds, 1 light horse with saddle and bit, 20 arrows, 2 bowstrings, and 21 gp.
- 3 Healing Kits
- 3 Bottles of Cure Minor Wounds
- 2 Waterskins w/clean water
- 2 extra bowstrings, human-made but sturdy
- 2 Light Horses with saddles and bits. (+2 Ride DC because these animals are meant to drag wagons, not carry riders)
- Compass
- Toy rust monster
- 20 arrows
- 50 gp from Jeren
- 12 gp from the battle
And for the sake of it, I'm going to divide this up amongst you.
Ox recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of Cure Minor Wounds, Compass, Toy Rust Monster, 20 gp.
Almarath recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of Cure Minor Wounds, Light horse with saddle and bit, 21 gp.
Arisitrina recieves: 1 Healing Kit, 1 bottle of cure minor wounds, 1 light horse with saddle and bit, 20 arrows, 2 bowstrings, and 21 gp.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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- Far-Sighted Wanderer
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Kazimunshuin: Male onizashu druid 3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (onizashu); HD 3d8+3; hp 25; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk +3 Melee (Claws 1d4+1 /x2); SA Claws; SQ Low-light Vision, Regeneration (1hp/5hours) +2 vs. Poison and Natural Diseases, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Fire Resistance 2; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 13. Age 25, height 5ft. 6in., weight 183 lbs.; Patron Deity: None.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +5, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Profession (Mustang Express) +9, Ride +11, Spellcraft +2, Spot +3, Survival +11; Frontierfolk
Languages Known: Common, Koukaidese, Druidic, Sylvan
Weapon: Claws
Armor: Cactus Hide
Clothing: Frontiersman’s Outfit
Backpack: Sun Ointment, Badlands Survival Kit, Riding Saddle, Bit and Bridle, Saddlebags, Small steel mirror, (2) Antitoxins, Smokestick, Healer’s Kit, Smoked Glasses, 2 days of feed, (3) Sunrods, 6” hollowed wooden tube, (3) Fishhooks, Block and Tackle, (2) Sewing Needles, Signal Whistle, Box of Black Tea, Flint and Steel, Canvas (1 sq yrd), Sack, (5) Tindertwigs
Magic Items: (5) potions of Mage Armor, (3) potions of Cure Light Wounds
Money: 2 pp, 13 gp, 13 sp, 10 cp
Total Weight Carried: 20 lbs
Total Weight Carried on Mustang: 259 lbs
Druid Spells Per Day: 4/3/2
Spell DC: 12+spell level
Zero Level Spells: Create Water, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Know Direction
First Level Spells: Endure Elements, Goodberry, Endure Elements
Second Level Spells: Flame Blade, Cactus Shape
Animal Companion: “Shinki” Mustang (2 bonus tricks)
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (35 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, shared spells, link, evasion
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +6
Feats: Endurance, Run, Spell Focus: Survival
A mustang can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for Shinki is up to 260 pounds; a medium load 261–519 pounds; and a heavy load, 520–780 pounds. Shinki can drag 3,900 pounds.
Tricks Known: Flee (30’), Track, Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, and Heel
Appearance: Kazi can rarely be mistaken for human, and while he doesn’t hide his physical appearance, his clothing does offer some protection from prying eyes. He keeps his silver hair long, and his purplish eyes have a harsh light to them. Kazi is quite thin for a member of his race, though there is an almost unearthly understanding held in his posture and eyes.
Background: Kazi makes no attempt to hide his linage, though he refuses to discuss it. One of few words, Kazi believes in action when needed and inaction when best. Rarely seen with other companions, save for his mustang (Shinki), Kazi has wandered the Badlands alone for many years, serving in the Mustang Express Riders and enjoying the freedom it brings.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +5, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Profession (Mustang Express) +9, Ride +11, Spellcraft +2, Spot +3, Survival +11; Frontierfolk
Languages Known: Common, Koukaidese, Druidic, Sylvan
Weapon: Claws
Armor: Cactus Hide
Clothing: Frontiersman’s Outfit
Backpack: Sun Ointment, Badlands Survival Kit, Riding Saddle, Bit and Bridle, Saddlebags, Small steel mirror, (2) Antitoxins, Smokestick, Healer’s Kit, Smoked Glasses, 2 days of feed, (3) Sunrods, 6” hollowed wooden tube, (3) Fishhooks, Block and Tackle, (2) Sewing Needles, Signal Whistle, Box of Black Tea, Flint and Steel, Canvas (1 sq yrd), Sack, (5) Tindertwigs
Magic Items: (5) potions of Mage Armor, (3) potions of Cure Light Wounds
Money: 2 pp, 13 gp, 13 sp, 10 cp
Total Weight Carried: 20 lbs
Total Weight Carried on Mustang: 259 lbs
Druid Spells Per Day: 4/3/2
Spell DC: 12+spell level
Zero Level Spells: Create Water, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Know Direction
First Level Spells: Endure Elements, Goodberry, Endure Elements
Second Level Spells: Flame Blade, Cactus Shape
Animal Companion: “Shinki” Mustang (2 bonus tricks)
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (35 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, shared spells, link, evasion
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +6
Feats: Endurance, Run, Spell Focus: Survival
A mustang can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for Shinki is up to 260 pounds; a medium load 261–519 pounds; and a heavy load, 520–780 pounds. Shinki can drag 3,900 pounds.
Tricks Known: Flee (30’), Track, Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, and Heel
Appearance: Kazi can rarely be mistaken for human, and while he doesn’t hide his physical appearance, his clothing does offer some protection from prying eyes. He keeps his silver hair long, and his purplish eyes have a harsh light to them. Kazi is quite thin for a member of his race, though there is an almost unearthly understanding held in his posture and eyes.
Background: Kazi makes no attempt to hide his linage, though he refuses to discuss it. One of few words, Kazi believes in action when needed and inaction when best. Rarely seen with other companions, save for his mustang (Shinki), Kazi has wandered the Badlands alone for many years, serving in the Mustang Express Riders and enjoying the freedom it brings.
Last edited by Petersonsdc on Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Indeed. Welcome aboard, Jeremy. Post as often as you can and enjoy yourself!
Lemme just run you by the house rules real quick like:
1.) Game Rolls should be shown, and Results should be in bold
Ox swung at the goblin savage with a right hook.
Attack Roll: (d20) 15 + 6 (AB) = 21
Damage: 6+4 = 10
2.) Specific actions that apply to your character are color coded. Almarath is Red, Arisitrina is Blue, Duran is Olive, Ox is Green and Kazi will be Orange.
3.) Try to post every day, excluding weekends.
4.) You can use my poorly-made grids during battles to tell me where you are. I'll provide the grids.
5.) Critical Hits can be squared. Here's an example:
1st Roll - Ox rolls his Attack Roll and gets a natural 20, threatening a critical hit.
2nd Roll - Ox rolls to confirm his Critical Hit, and rolls another natural 20, threatening a double critical hit.
3rd Roll - Ox rolls to confirm his Double Critical, and gets 17 (a hit.)
4th Roll - Ox rolls his damage (1d6+4) and gets 10. Instead of the usual x2, he doubles it to x4. So, Ox just dealt 40 points of damage.
If you fail to confirm a Double Critical, you still deal a Critical Hit (because you got that second natural 20). Critical Hits can only be doubled.
Lemme just run you by the house rules real quick like:
1.) Game Rolls should be shown, and Results should be in bold
Ox swung at the goblin savage with a right hook.
Attack Roll: (d20) 15 + 6 (AB) = 21
Damage: 6+4 = 10
2.) Specific actions that apply to your character are color coded. Almarath is Red, Arisitrina is Blue, Duran is Olive, Ox is Green and Kazi will be Orange.
3.) Try to post every day, excluding weekends.
4.) You can use my poorly-made grids during battles to tell me where you are. I'll provide the grids.
5.) Critical Hits can be squared. Here's an example:
1st Roll - Ox rolls his Attack Roll and gets a natural 20, threatening a critical hit.
2nd Roll - Ox rolls to confirm his Critical Hit, and rolls another natural 20, threatening a double critical hit.
3rd Roll - Ox rolls to confirm his Double Critical, and gets 17 (a hit.)
4th Roll - Ox rolls his damage (1d6+4) and gets 10. Instead of the usual x2, he doubles it to x4. So, Ox just dealt 40 points of damage.
If you fail to confirm a Double Critical, you still deal a Critical Hit (because you got that second natural 20). Critical Hits can only be doubled.
While we're using these forums, I'd like to announce three new planes of existence for the Spellburn world. I noticed a stark lack of neutral planes and decided to include a handful. The three are inner planes known as:
Aenwyn, the Eternal Nature
Believed to be the source of all primal souls and the spirits of nature, Aenwyn is a vast place where wild life thrives free of the oppression of civilization. Druid, ranger, and shaman magic is believed to be siphoned from Aenwyn, and druid culture believes that by maintaining balance in the Material Plane, they make themselves attuned to Aenwyn, and their souls are allowed to ascend there when they die rather than vanishing to some distant afterlife.
Opheus, the Dreaming
Think of this plane as a pearl necklace, with an infinite number of pearls. Each of these pearls is in fact the realm of an individual's mind, where his deepest dreams and subconscious desires become reality. Visitors can see the manifest wishes of their comrades or even themselves, but beware - a dreamer's Opheus is a place where he is stronger than the greatest god, and the dreamer's mind is truly greater than matter.
Sidhe, the Fey Realm
This overlapping existence is the home plane of the fey. In Sidhe nature takes on an abstract, surreal appearance - plants, animals and people appear warped and distorted, as though molded by a child's imagination. You can see the Material Plane from Sidhe, watch its people, and even interact with its objects without the Material Plane seeing you or how you are doing it, which is why animals behaving strangely or objects going missing for no reason are often blamed on "fairy mischief."
Aenwyn, the Eternal Nature
Believed to be the source of all primal souls and the spirits of nature, Aenwyn is a vast place where wild life thrives free of the oppression of civilization. Druid, ranger, and shaman magic is believed to be siphoned from Aenwyn, and druid culture believes that by maintaining balance in the Material Plane, they make themselves attuned to Aenwyn, and their souls are allowed to ascend there when they die rather than vanishing to some distant afterlife.
Opheus, the Dreaming
Think of this plane as a pearl necklace, with an infinite number of pearls. Each of these pearls is in fact the realm of an individual's mind, where his deepest dreams and subconscious desires become reality. Visitors can see the manifest wishes of their comrades or even themselves, but beware - a dreamer's Opheus is a place where he is stronger than the greatest god, and the dreamer's mind is truly greater than matter.
Sidhe, the Fey Realm
This overlapping existence is the home plane of the fey. In Sidhe nature takes on an abstract, surreal appearance - plants, animals and people appear warped and distorted, as though molded by a child's imagination. You can see the Material Plane from Sidhe, watch its people, and even interact with its objects without the Material Plane seeing you or how you are doing it, which is why animals behaving strangely or objects going missing for no reason are often blamed on "fairy mischief."
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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I like them all. Aenwyn is like the "source" of all souls in the world, it's where they begin from their primal state, and druids are trying to return to that source.
Opheus (I might change the name to Ypheus, just 'cause) is really unique, but what's better, it gives you limitless roleplaying potential. I mean, think of that J-Lo movie The Cell, imagine a group of adventurers trapped in some madman's dream?
I also like Sidhe, even thought I ripped the name off from Irish fairy myth. It's a perfect fey realm, surreal and tied into the natural world without actually being a part of it. That sounds like fey to me.
Opheus (I might change the name to Ypheus, just 'cause) is really unique, but what's better, it gives you limitless roleplaying potential. I mean, think of that J-Lo movie The Cell, imagine a group of adventurers trapped in some madman's dream?
I also like Sidhe, even thought I ripped the name off from Irish fairy myth. It's a perfect fey realm, surreal and tied into the natural world without actually being a part of it. That sounds like fey to me.
- Cold-Hearted Immortal
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I think a teaser article is a good idea, though it is a bit early. I don't have Spellburn scheduled for a specific date yet. (As an example, Etherscope was accepted for publication but not scheduled for roughly a year before we finally started moving full speed ahead on it. It depends on timing and other factors.) Once we have a specific date lined up, I'd be happy to coordinate getting you whatever you need for the article.Chris McCoy wrote:A quick question, Mike,
We do writing for the Silven Trumpeter (a rpg newsletter and e magazine) and were wondering if it would be possibly to put together a teaser article for Spellburn. Would that be too early and/or will Mr. Goodman let us? Lemme know what you think.
- Far-Sighted Wanderer
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- Far-Sighted Wanderer
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- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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- Far-Sighted Wanderer
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- Far-Sighted Wanderer
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Hey Mike,
Back about those new planes. I like 'em! But those names have to change, man.
Opheus... I like Ypheus; no google traffic.
Also Sidhe... it means fairy for anyone who is a fairyphile. I'd try to find a more obscure reference or make something up. Perhaps try a Celtic dictionary; maybe a name that means something along the lines of "good place" or "happy place". (Because the fae are the "good people" after all.)
I like Aenwyn. Sounds more like a person than a place, but still a good name.
Drugs are gone; time to game!
Back about those new planes. I like 'em! But those names have to change, man.
Opheus... I like Ypheus; no google traffic.
Also Sidhe... it means fairy for anyone who is a fairyphile. I'd try to find a more obscure reference or make something up. Perhaps try a Celtic dictionary; maybe a name that means something along the lines of "good place" or "happy place". (Because the fae are the "good people" after all.)
I like Aenwyn. Sounds more like a person than a place, but still a good name.
Drugs are gone; time to game!
Welcome back, Chrissy. Glad to see you're feeling better. Or least less... druggy. *Blinks*
As our resident fairyphile, I'd be grateful or any ideas on a renamed fairy realm. Maybe Shee? Hmm... Heh heh.
Aenwyn is the name of the gods in the druid religion. I wanted quick and easy names, here, people.
As our resident fairyphile, I'd be grateful or any ideas on a renamed fairy realm. Maybe Shee? Hmm... Heh heh.
Aenwyn is the name of the gods in the druid religion. I wanted quick and easy names, here, people.