Spellburn Game Thread
Spellburn Game Thread
The old ways are dying...
The empire of dwarves is lost...
The kingdoms of elf are abandoned...
The nations of man march for war...
And the world suffers under a crippling scar.
...What hope survives?
The empire of dwarves is lost...
The kingdoms of elf are abandoned...
The nations of man march for war...
And the world suffers under a crippling scar.
...What hope survives?

Just days east of Scaletown, at the northern tip of Devil's Canyon, the corrupted trees of Skullwood spread into the Crossport territory, unhindered by the Savage Plains.
Here broken canyons join with skeletal forests that hang on the razor's edge of life. The sun rarely breaks through the twisted brambles, the wind dies and is silent, eerie fog grasps at everything like malevolent hands, and creatures come with the night that no sane man would welcome.
Jeren Teal tried to put the place out of his mind. He had a caravan to drive and plenty of outlaws to worry about on the open trail. Nevermind some urban legends about haunted forest. He looked back at the five loaded wagons, carrying supplies, trade goods, and ten families bound for Salvation in the south. Well, Jeren thought, eleven families. He looked into his own wagon, where his nine-year old daughter Jamie slept next to the Caitlins', who were watching out for her. Greth Caitlin had been Jeren's convoy partner for years, there wasn't any other man he trusted. With Greth, seven merc guild guards, and three freelance guards helping to protect his convoy, Jeren had a good feeling about his final convoy run. Soon he'd be in Salvation, and he and Greth would have real jobs working for the Republic of Carthas - building the machines of tomorrow. They'd have real houses for thier families, and real money to spend. Gods above, it was as fine a goal as a simple man could want.
Jeren smiled at the thought, then turned his eyes northward again. That's funny, he thought, those storm clouds weren't there a second ago, were they?
Almarath, you're situated in the center of the five wagons. Not many of the folks have seen a gunslinger before, let alone one packing so many firearms. Despite their curiosity about the weapons, none gets very close to you - you just have the look of someone aiming to do something mean. Three other mercenary guards sit in the wagon with you, which is loaded mainly with food and water in small crates for the trip. The crusty old wagon driver sips at his ale and doesn't say much, though the merc guards converse amongst themselves about old fights and news from the Badlands.
Arisitrina, you're sitting in the back of the front wagon, in the shade of the canvas covering. The Caitlins' are polite enough, Greth is no stranger to non-humans, but his wife Joan keeps giving you sour looks for reasons she won't explain. Jerren's daughter is sleeping beside Joan. Both women wear simple lightly colored dresses, while Greth is dressed in his leather padding and is fixing up his crossbow while whistling an off-key tune. Save for personal belongings packed into chests, there isn't anything else to look at in the wagon.
Ox, you're lounging in the rear wagon, which is loaded with trade goods - clothing, furniture, and other items meant to be sold once the convoy reaches Salvation. That's a long way in coming though. Two other mercenaries sit at the front of the wagon, one driving. They glance back at you occasionally, but none seem to have the interest in starting a conversation.
The convoy has to move slowly northward, then curve east until it finally turns all the way south, leaving Devil's Canyon and its treacherous crevices behind for the open Badlands. You could get out of the wagons and walk around, and still be able to keep up with the convoy by keeping up a brisk walk.
What would you like to do?
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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Almarath cursed quietly in Elven. Gods, he hated this climate. Nothing but sand, heat, and the smell of unwashed humans. But, he knew nothing else but that which surrounded him now.
"Such is the fate of a merc." he muttered to himself, still speaking the tongue of his ancestors, as nameless and distant as they may be.
He looked down at his gloved hands, long spidery fingers covered by a thick layer of cured flesh that cradled the only thing their owner trusted in the world: his rifle.
It was not a simple weapon but it had the simplest purpose known to the Badlands: to deal death. It was the one universal truth out here in these burning sands. Everything died, it was only a matter of when and how.
And Almarath had been the "how" on more than one occasion.
But this job was proving to be one of the more comfortable Almarath had taken over the last five years of his short career as a gun for hire. Sit on top of the wagon and wait til something came along and started trouble.
And then fill it full of holes and make sure it ain't breathing anymore.
If it breaths in the first place...
The elven gunslinger quietly chambered the last round into his rifle and snapped the chamber shut, the click bringing a satisfied smile to the elf's face.
"I love that sound." he said under his breath, not to anyone but himself. He stared down the gun's sight and brought an imaginary target into view. One squeeze of the trigger and his make believe bandit would have gone down with an extra hole in his face...assuming he had a face left.
Almarath settled back into his seat on the wagon bench and pulled his hat a little lower over his ashen face, shielding his sensitive eyes from the damnable sun.
"Yup, this is goin' to be an easy job..."
Or so the gunslinger thought...
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
"Such is the fate of a merc." he muttered to himself, still speaking the tongue of his ancestors, as nameless and distant as they may be.
He looked down at his gloved hands, long spidery fingers covered by a thick layer of cured flesh that cradled the only thing their owner trusted in the world: his rifle.
It was not a simple weapon but it had the simplest purpose known to the Badlands: to deal death. It was the one universal truth out here in these burning sands. Everything died, it was only a matter of when and how.
And Almarath had been the "how" on more than one occasion.
But this job was proving to be one of the more comfortable Almarath had taken over the last five years of his short career as a gun for hire. Sit on top of the wagon and wait til something came along and started trouble.
And then fill it full of holes and make sure it ain't breathing anymore.
If it breaths in the first place...
The elven gunslinger quietly chambered the last round into his rifle and snapped the chamber shut, the click bringing a satisfied smile to the elf's face.
"I love that sound." he said under his breath, not to anyone but himself. He stared down the gun's sight and brought an imaginary target into view. One squeeze of the trigger and his make believe bandit would have gone down with an extra hole in his face...assuming he had a face left.
Almarath settled back into his seat on the wagon bench and pulled his hat a little lower over his ashen face, shielding his sensitive eyes from the damnable sun.
"Yup, this is goin' to be an easy job..."
Or so the gunslinger thought...
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
The wagon bounced on a rock and roused Ox from his nap. He grunted, feeling stiff all over. He pushed up his hat brim with a thumb and squinted as the noon sun pierced his comfortable shade. Lazily he reached into his jacket's pocket and withdrew a pair of smoked sunglasses and pushed them over her lupine ears.
"Where we at?" He asked aloud.
The merc driver glanced behind him. "Not an hour out of Scaletown."
Ox sat up, stretching his long arms and legs as best he could in the cramped compartment. "Damn, figured we'd... be there by now."
The driver's companion chuckled, "No such luck. It's not like we're gonna let you sleep all the way anyways."
Ox grunted, or growled, and jumped out of the wagon. His glasses slipped and he pushed at them, frowning. The glasses were made for humans, after all, and humans had small noses. He tried to secure them to his ears and walked alongside the wagon, coming up beside its driver on the passenger side. "Can't we go any faster?"
"Not until we hit open Badlands." The driver said, "These wagons wouldn't last long if the ground beneathe us started sliding downhill."
Ox nodded and continued on, past the fourth wagon and to the middle one, where an elf in black clothing was clicking off dry shots from a longspike.
"Didn't think elves liked guns." Ox muttered, more to himself.
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb Jump
"Where we at?" He asked aloud.
The merc driver glanced behind him. "Not an hour out of Scaletown."
Ox sat up, stretching his long arms and legs as best he could in the cramped compartment. "Damn, figured we'd... be there by now."
The driver's companion chuckled, "No such luck. It's not like we're gonna let you sleep all the way anyways."
Ox grunted, or growled, and jumped out of the wagon. His glasses slipped and he pushed at them, frowning. The glasses were made for humans, after all, and humans had small noses. He tried to secure them to his ears and walked alongside the wagon, coming up beside its driver on the passenger side. "Can't we go any faster?"
"Not until we hit open Badlands." The driver said, "These wagons wouldn't last long if the ground beneathe us started sliding downhill."
Ox nodded and continued on, past the fourth wagon and to the middle one, where an elf in black clothing was clicking off dry shots from a longspike.
"Didn't think elves liked guns." Ox muttered, more to himself.
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb Jump
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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"Didn't think elves liked guns."
Almarath's steely gaze dropped down to gaze at the vaquero that was trotting alongside the wagon, a pair of smoked sunglasses perched queerly on too large a nose. The elf merely chuckled and put his longspiker down on his lap.
"Didn't think vaqueros liked being without their herd."
The elf glanced up at the sun and squinted before turning back to the vaquero.
"Then again, I don't think we are your typical types, now are we?"
Almarath's steely gaze dropped down to gaze at the vaquero that was trotting alongside the wagon, a pair of smoked sunglasses perched queerly on too large a nose. The elf merely chuckled and put his longspiker down on his lap.
"Didn't think vaqueros liked being without their herd."
The elf glanced up at the sun and squinted before turning back to the vaquero.
"Then again, I don't think we are your typical types, now are we?"
- Far-Sighted Wanderer
- Posts: 23
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At least the male trusted her, despite the instincts of the woman. She was a good woman, a good mother to distrust someone with a hunter’s manner such as this wood elf. She was a creature that knew the scent of trees, the leavings of prey, and the footsteps left by rain. She knew where skin was thinnest, how to release warm blood from the living, and had not known a meal whose breath she had not reaped. She may have well have been born on the glorious sun, such an exotic she was.
Yet not as unfit for this world as the prey that had chosen her.
She smiled at the sleeping woman-child. Perhaps the woman would see the joy she felt when looking at the little woman-of-the-morning. What delight could be found in watching a young sun rise into life…
She averted her eyes. Humans did not seem to take well to elven eyes lingering too long on them or theirs. Perhaps it was their unblinking gaze. Maybe it was because they could see the years behind them. Perhaps it was those same qualities she saw in her prey.
No wonder they tensed so.
She exhaled. The town would be rising on the horizon soon…
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical
Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical
Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead
Yet not as unfit for this world as the prey that had chosen her.
She smiled at the sleeping woman-child. Perhaps the woman would see the joy she felt when looking at the little woman-of-the-morning. What delight could be found in watching a young sun rise into life…
She averted her eyes. Humans did not seem to take well to elven eyes lingering too long on them or theirs. Perhaps it was their unblinking gaze. Maybe it was because they could see the years behind them. Perhaps it was those same qualities she saw in her prey.
No wonder they tensed so.
She exhaled. The town would be rising on the horizon soon…
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical
Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical
Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead
Ox gave a second elf in the back of the wagon a cursory glance, then reached Jeren Teal's bench and climbed up alongside it. "How long?"
Jeren shrugged, "Another half an hour, and we'll be out of Devil's Canyon, then we turn southeast, and we reach open Badlands before nightfall."
Ox nodded, gazing out at the canyons as they slowly peeled away and flattened out before him, only to rise up suddenly a day's walk away, rising up to become the Savage Plains and Skullwood beyond to the north. He sniffed the air, frowning at the dry air.
"Daaaad..." A complaining voice trailed out from the back of the wagon, and Ox shuffled aside awkwardly as a little girl climbed forward and sat next to her father.
"Jamie, hon, you should stay in the back." Jeren said.
"I'm thirsty." Jamie protested, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
Jeren gave Ox an apologetic glance, then handed Jamie his waterskin. "Take a few gulps, but no more. We can't drink this stuff like we did in Crossport. We have to save it."
"I won't spill any." Jamie said, and sipped from the waterskin. When Jeren took the waterskin back, Jamie looked up at Ox. "Are you a cow-man?"
"Jamie!" Jeren warned, more embarassed than angry.
Ox rubbed his lips. "N-no. Not a cow-man."
"Then why are you all hairy?"
"Vaquero." Ox said, "I'm a vaquero."
"What's that?" Jamie asked.
"Jamie, go sit with the Caitlins, will you? Joan, will you-?" Jeren asked.
A sour-faced woman stepped from the back and hooked her hands under Jamie's arms. "Come on, little one, no sense in bothering your father when he's trying to drive." She lifted Jamie off the bench.
"None of that now." Joan said, setting Jamie in the back. "Sorry Jeren, she won't bother you again." Joan looked at Ox, and a hint of bitterness seemed to come back to her face.
"Don't worry about it, Joan." Jeren said. He shrugged at Ox. "Sorry."
"About what?" Ox asked.
Jeren started to talk, but shook his head and forgot it. "I hope that storm skirts us by."
Ox turned to see the dark clouds slowly flowing towards them. "That doesn't look like any storm I ever saw."
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
Jeren shrugged, "Another half an hour, and we'll be out of Devil's Canyon, then we turn southeast, and we reach open Badlands before nightfall."
Ox nodded, gazing out at the canyons as they slowly peeled away and flattened out before him, only to rise up suddenly a day's walk away, rising up to become the Savage Plains and Skullwood beyond to the north. He sniffed the air, frowning at the dry air.
"Daaaad..." A complaining voice trailed out from the back of the wagon, and Ox shuffled aside awkwardly as a little girl climbed forward and sat next to her father.
"Jamie, hon, you should stay in the back." Jeren said.
"I'm thirsty." Jamie protested, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
Jeren gave Ox an apologetic glance, then handed Jamie his waterskin. "Take a few gulps, but no more. We can't drink this stuff like we did in Crossport. We have to save it."
"I won't spill any." Jamie said, and sipped from the waterskin. When Jeren took the waterskin back, Jamie looked up at Ox. "Are you a cow-man?"
"Jamie!" Jeren warned, more embarassed than angry.
Ox rubbed his lips. "N-no. Not a cow-man."
"Then why are you all hairy?"
"Vaquero." Ox said, "I'm a vaquero."
"What's that?" Jamie asked.
"Jamie, go sit with the Caitlins, will you? Joan, will you-?" Jeren asked.
A sour-faced woman stepped from the back and hooked her hands under Jamie's arms. "Come on, little one, no sense in bothering your father when he's trying to drive." She lifted Jamie off the bench.
"None of that now." Joan said, setting Jamie in the back. "Sorry Jeren, she won't bother you again." Joan looked at Ox, and a hint of bitterness seemed to come back to her face.
"Don't worry about it, Joan." Jeren said. He shrugged at Ox. "Sorry."
"About what?" Ox asked.
Jeren started to talk, but shook his head and forgot it. "I hope that storm skirts us by."
Ox turned to see the dark clouds slowly flowing towards them. "That doesn't look like any storm I ever saw."
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
"We should be fine, once we get out of the canyon, we'll speed the wagons up. If we can duck into the Badlands, we won't have to worry about it." Jeren said.
Almarath, give me a Spot check.
Arisitrina, I'd like a Spot check from you, too.
Almarath, give me a Spot check.
Arisitrina, I'd like a Spot check from you, too.
Last edited by MWallace on Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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Arisitrina, you happen to be staring eastward and in the road-side crevice, you see a flicker of painted feathers and fur that darts up for a second, and then vanishes below.
Almarath, you're staring down the sights of your rifle, and you find yourself staring at a waving stone axe, a tomahawk favored by some of the more primitive savage tribes of the Badlands. The waving axe sinks back below the cover of the road-side crevice, but you've already seen enough.
Both of you realize the caravan is going to be attacked. Roll your Initiative and state your actions.
Ox, you can't roll initiative because you don't realize anything's wrong, you're attention is on the coming storm.
Almarath, you're staring down the sights of your rifle, and you find yourself staring at a waving stone axe, a tomahawk favored by some of the more primitive savage tribes of the Badlands. The waving axe sinks back below the cover of the road-side crevice, but you've already seen enough.
Both of you realize the caravan is going to be attacked. Roll your Initiative and state your actions.
Ox, you can't roll initiative because you don't realize anything's wrong, you're attention is on the coming storm.
- Far-Sighted Wanderer
- Posts: 23
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Arisitrina's Initative Roll=13 + Init mod of 2 = 15
Arisitrina looked quickly to the mother. “Hide your girl,” she stated calmly as she stood in the dusty archway. “I will protect you.”
Knowing without moving her gaze that her gnasher mace was still looped to her side, the elf notched an arrow into her longbow. The next sunrise would not belong to their enemy.
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead
Arisitrina looked quickly to the mother. “Hide your girl,” she stated calmly as she stood in the dusty archway. “I will protect you.”
Knowing without moving her gaze that her gnasher mace was still looped to her side, the elf notched an arrow into her longbow. The next sunrise would not belong to their enemy.
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead
Joan stared at Arisitrina, unsure of whether to trust her or not. But when the elf notced an arrow into her bow and stood, Joan turned and hooked her arms around Jamie agian.
"Greth, I think we're under attack!" Joan said.
"What?" Greth started for the back, loading his crossbow as he went.
"Attack?" Ox asked, turning to face Arisitrina.
Ox, make your initiative check.
"Greth, I think we're under attack!" Joan said.
"What?" Greth started for the back, loading his crossbow as he went.
"Attack?" Ox asked, turning to face Arisitrina.
Ox, make your initiative check.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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Almarath's eyes narrowed as he seen the stone tomahawk come up over the horizon and he slide his dexterous finger over the trigger of his rifle.
"WE ARE ABOUT TO BE UNDER ATTACK! LOOKS LIKE SAVAGES!" he shouted, trying to rouse the rest of the guards and to make sure everyone was prepared for what was about to occur.
Or at least, more ready to face death than they were.
He leveled his rifle, his breathing slow and rhythmatic. He was ready to put a bullet into anything that was going to mess up such an easy job.
Initiative Roll= 1d20 (16) + 7 = 23 [/i]
"WE ARE ABOUT TO BE UNDER ATTACK! LOOKS LIKE SAVAGES!" he shouted, trying to rouse the rest of the guards and to make sure everyone was prepared for what was about to occur.
Or at least, more ready to face death than they were.
He leveled his rifle, his breathing slow and rhythmatic. He was ready to put a bullet into anything that was going to mess up such an easy job.
Initiative Roll= 1d20 (16) + 7 = 23 [/i]
Ox's Initiative Roll: 16 plus 2 Dex plus 4 Feat = 22
"Circle the wagons!" Ox shouted, standing up. He flexed his hands and gave his forehead a hard slap, ready for a fight.
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
"Circle the wagons!" Ox shouted, standing up. He flexed his hands and gave his forehead a hard slap, ready for a fight.
HP: 26
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
Last edited by MWallace on Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Initiative Rolls:
Jeren: 4
Greth: 16
Mercenaries: 5
"Circle the wagons!" Greth shouted, "Goblins!"
The wagons began to curve in around each other, forming a rough rectangle with only an open gap facing the eastern ditch.
Their ambush ruined, a savave band of goblins rushed from that very ditch, their yellow-green skin covered with white and red muddy paints, clad in leather and bones.
Piercing yelps like laughter came from the goblins, and rushing up the ditch came the raiding party's mounted leaders - a trio of goblins dressed in strange vulture-feather cloaks and riding snarling, snickering hyenas, their hides scorched from harsh training and their bodies thick and muscular, bred for combat. The mounted goblins held up their stone tomahawks and gave a howling cry like a crazed monkey, and as one the charging goblinoids rushed for the circling wagons.
Combat Round
1st - Almarath
2nd - Hyena-mounted Goblins (1st-level warrior goblins x3 plus hyena mounts [treated as riding dogs]).
3rd - Ox
4th - Greth (2nd level warrior human)
5th - Arisitrina
6th - Attackers on Foot (1st level warrior goblins x9)
7th - Merecenaries (1st level warrior humans x8 )
8th - Jeren (2nd level human warrior)
9th - Noncombatants (1st level human commoners x11)
Almarath, you're the fastest. Your rifle is already trained on the charging goblins, what do you do?
The wagons are covered by tarp, but it can be cut. The horses can't fight because they're hitched to the wagons. In a wagon circle, all non-combatants will leave the wagons and enter the center of the circle, while the defenders will stick to the edges, fighting over and around the wagons. This keeps attackers from getting in close, but that gap between Jeren and Almarath's wagons...
Jeren: 4
Greth: 16
Mercenaries: 5
"Circle the wagons!" Greth shouted, "Goblins!"
The wagons began to curve in around each other, forming a rough rectangle with only an open gap facing the eastern ditch.
Their ambush ruined, a savave band of goblins rushed from that very ditch, their yellow-green skin covered with white and red muddy paints, clad in leather and bones.
Piercing yelps like laughter came from the goblins, and rushing up the ditch came the raiding party's mounted leaders - a trio of goblins dressed in strange vulture-feather cloaks and riding snarling, snickering hyenas, their hides scorched from harsh training and their bodies thick and muscular, bred for combat. The mounted goblins held up their stone tomahawks and gave a howling cry like a crazed monkey, and as one the charging goblinoids rushed for the circling wagons.
Combat Round
1st - Almarath
2nd - Hyena-mounted Goblins (1st-level warrior goblins x3 plus hyena mounts [treated as riding dogs]).
3rd - Ox
4th - Greth (2nd level warrior human)
5th - Arisitrina
6th - Attackers on Foot (1st level warrior goblins x9)
7th - Merecenaries (1st level warrior humans x8 )
8th - Jeren (2nd level human warrior)
9th - Noncombatants (1st level human commoners x11)
Almarath, you're the fastest. Your rifle is already trained on the charging goblins, what do you do?
The wagons are covered by tarp, but it can be cut. The horses can't fight because they're hitched to the wagons. In a wagon circle, all non-combatants will leave the wagons and enter the center of the circle, while the defenders will stick to the edges, fighting over and around the wagons. This keeps attackers from getting in close, but that gap between Jeren and Almarath's wagons...
Last edited by MWallace on Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
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The strange tongue of the whooping goblins made Almarath cringe and it was not unlike the yupping of their hyena mounts. He cursed out in Elven and brought his rifle to bear on the closest advancing goblin.
OOC: The one within 30 ft. of him, that is!
"Time to earn that pay, boys!" he shouted out to the other mercenaries, who were getting ready to engage the quickly advancing goblins in combat.
Almarath stopped, paused, and then fired.
Roll to hit: 1d20 (14) + 6 to hit + 1 w/30 ft. = 21
Damage if hit AC: 1d10 (9) + 5 + 1 w/30ft. = 15
The ear splitting shot rang out across the Badlands as the goblins closed in...
Almarath winced through the gun smoke to see if he had hit his mark...
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
OOC: The one within 30 ft. of him, that is!
"Time to earn that pay, boys!" he shouted out to the other mercenaries, who were getting ready to engage the quickly advancing goblins in combat.
Almarath stopped, paused, and then fired.
Roll to hit: 1d20 (14) + 6 to hit + 1 w/30 ft. = 21
Damage if hit AC: 1d10 (9) + 5 + 1 w/30ft. = 15
The ear splitting shot rang out across the Badlands as the goblins closed in...
Almarath winced through the gun smoke to see if he had hit his mark...
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Almarath's bullet cuts through the closest goblin, making a hole the size of an eyeball in its chest. The creature is tossed backward, spinning through the air and landed hard in the dust, the life of it gone before it felt the sand.
Their laughing yips rising to angry barks, the goblin leaders make their move.
Mounted Goblin (1) makes a Charge at the horses strapped to Jeren and Ox's wagon. Unable to rear or run, the horses are trapped and are considered flat-footed.
The mounted goblin waves its tomahawk, and snarls "Mudsuck'em pew!" Then he kicks his mount, and the hyena charges a full forty feet, coming up alongside the horse's flanks, and attacks with a vicious bite.
Hyena (1) Attack Roll: 7 + 3 + 2 = 12 vs. Horse's FF AC 12
Hyena (1) Damage Roll: 1d6 + 3 = 5
The hyena rips at the horse's rear right leg, tearing flesh and spilling blood!
Howling like his hyena mount, Mounted Goblin (2) also charges at the same horse, rushing up 25 feet, and the hyena also makes an attack, this time at the horse's exposted throat and face.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 16 + 3 + 2 = 21
Hyena (2) Damage Roll: 1d6+3 = 6
The hyena lunges up and its bone-crushing teeth latch onto the poor horse's throat, dragging its head down. The horse's jerks back, freeing its neck, but a terrible wound is left behind.
The third mounted Goblin (3) rushes forward, but the goblin isn't intent to charge. He steers his hyena mount at Almarath's wagon, and as it closest within 10 feet, the goblin rider hurls one of his tomahawks at the mercenary passanger sitting on the driver's coach.
Goblin (3) Attack Roll: 9 + 3 w/10 ft.= 12 vs. Merc AC 12
Goblin (3) Damage Roll: 1d6 w/10 ft.= 2
The tomahawk whirls at the surprised merc, but he manages to get his arm up to defend the blow, which tears at his arm but falls away without doing any more damage.
"Bladderburst!" The goblin spits, reaching for another tomahawk strapped it his hyena's saddle.
Ox leaps from Jeren's wagon, directly in front of the first Mounted Goblin (1). He swings hard with a right hook aimed for the hyena's face.
Ox's Attack Roll: 16 + 6 = 22 vs. Hyena (1) AC 16 - 2 = 14
Ox's Damage Roll: 1d6 + 4 = 10
The hyena is bashed hard in the teeth, and a pair of fangs break in its mouth as it stumbles, momentarily dazed.
Greth moves up to the front of Jeren's wagon, onto the driver's bench where Ox had been sitting a second earlier and aims his heavy crossbow at the hyena's goblin rider.
Greth's Attack Roll: 11 + 4 w/10 ft.= 15 vs. Mounted Goblin (1) AC 15
Greth's Damage Roll: 7
The goblin takes the bolt in the throat, and is thrown from the hyena's leather saddle. It hit the ground, gargling on blood and sand as it struggles to open its throat, hot blood pumping across its white war paint, then it lays still.
Arisitrina, what do you do?
Their laughing yips rising to angry barks, the goblin leaders make their move.
Mounted Goblin (1) makes a Charge at the horses strapped to Jeren and Ox's wagon. Unable to rear or run, the horses are trapped and are considered flat-footed.
The mounted goblin waves its tomahawk, and snarls "Mudsuck'em pew!" Then he kicks his mount, and the hyena charges a full forty feet, coming up alongside the horse's flanks, and attacks with a vicious bite.
Hyena (1) Attack Roll: 7 + 3 + 2 = 12 vs. Horse's FF AC 12
Hyena (1) Damage Roll: 1d6 + 3 = 5
The hyena rips at the horse's rear right leg, tearing flesh and spilling blood!
Howling like his hyena mount, Mounted Goblin (2) also charges at the same horse, rushing up 25 feet, and the hyena also makes an attack, this time at the horse's exposted throat and face.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 16 + 3 + 2 = 21
Hyena (2) Damage Roll: 1d6+3 = 6
The hyena lunges up and its bone-crushing teeth latch onto the poor horse's throat, dragging its head down. The horse's jerks back, freeing its neck, but a terrible wound is left behind.
The third mounted Goblin (3) rushes forward, but the goblin isn't intent to charge. He steers his hyena mount at Almarath's wagon, and as it closest within 10 feet, the goblin rider hurls one of his tomahawks at the mercenary passanger sitting on the driver's coach.
Goblin (3) Attack Roll: 9 + 3 w/10 ft.= 12 vs. Merc AC 12
Goblin (3) Damage Roll: 1d6 w/10 ft.= 2
The tomahawk whirls at the surprised merc, but he manages to get his arm up to defend the blow, which tears at his arm but falls away without doing any more damage.
"Bladderburst!" The goblin spits, reaching for another tomahawk strapped it his hyena's saddle.
Ox leaps from Jeren's wagon, directly in front of the first Mounted Goblin (1). He swings hard with a right hook aimed for the hyena's face.
Ox's Attack Roll: 16 + 6 = 22 vs. Hyena (1) AC 16 - 2 = 14
Ox's Damage Roll: 1d6 + 4 = 10
The hyena is bashed hard in the teeth, and a pair of fangs break in its mouth as it stumbles, momentarily dazed.
Greth moves up to the front of Jeren's wagon, onto the driver's bench where Ox had been sitting a second earlier and aims his heavy crossbow at the hyena's goblin rider.
Greth's Attack Roll: 11 + 4 w/10 ft.= 15 vs. Mounted Goblin (1) AC 15
Greth's Damage Roll: 7
The goblin takes the bolt in the throat, and is thrown from the hyena's leather saddle. It hit the ground, gargling on blood and sand as it struggles to open its throat, hot blood pumping across its white war paint, then it lays still.
Arisitrina, what do you do?
Last edited by MWallace on Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Far-Sighted Wanderer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:16 am
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The elven woman stands her ground, aiming her bow defiantly toward the oncoming goblins.
A set of beady goblin eyes lock with hers. She does not blink. She releases the arrow.
Arisitrina's attack roll: natural 1. Way to start off.
The violent thunder of the elf man's weapon crashes in her ears. The arrow falls just below her feet into the dust below the wagon. The dry string snaps under her fingers. There would be another day for archery. This was meant to be a more intimate day than the bow provided. Her hand reaches for her mace.
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead [/b]
A set of beady goblin eyes lock with hers. She does not blink. She releases the arrow.
Arisitrina's attack roll: natural 1. Way to start off.

The violent thunder of the elf man's weapon crashes in her ears. The arrow falls just below her feet into the dust below the wagon. The dry string snaps under her fingers. There would be another day for archery. This was meant to be a more intimate day than the bow provided. Her hand reaches for her mace.
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead [/b]
(OOC: Ouch, not a good sign, Chrissy. But don't fret!)
Goblins (A), (B), (C), (D) and (G) move 30 feet southwest towards Almarath's wagon, hoping to overpower it and the elf with the thunderstaff.
Goblins (E), (F) and (H) move 30 feet west towards Jeren's wagon, simply because it's the closest. Goblin (F) hurls his tomahawk at Ox!
Goblin (H)'s Attack Roll: 4 + 3 - 2 = 5
The tomahawk flies past Ox's shoulder, hitting the sand on the flat edge. "Bladderburst!" The goblin snaps, reaching for another tomahawk on its belt.
Mercenary (1) leaps down from the coach's bench and lands beside the wagon horse, but as he does, Mounted Goblin (3) makes an attack of opportunity.
Mounted Goblin (3)'s Attack Roll: 11 + 2 = 13
Mounted Goblin (3)'s Damage Roll: 6
The Mounted Goblin swing his tomahawk into the neck of Mercenary (1), and the hewn stone cuts through his neck and tears open the artery. The mercenary's eyes widen as death rushes up to meet him, and he falls, the blood splashing from his neck, so much he can't even move himself as his own heart finishes him off. Screams erupt from the wagons as the families see the bloodshed.
Mercenary (2) aims his light crossbow at Mounted Goblin (3) and fires!
Mercenary (2)'s Attack Roll: 12 +1 = 13
The bolt hits the goblin in the chest, but the sharp end jams in the goblin's leather and bone armor, not even nicking the skin. The goblin flicks it away, letting out hyena-like yelping laughter.
Cursing, Mercenary (2) reloads his crossbow.
Mercenary (3) climbs past Almarath and leaps down onto the sand, takes several long steps forward and fires his light crossbow at Goblin (A).
Mercenary (3) Attack Roll: 7 + 1 = 8
The shot goes wide, and the goblin doesn't even see it fly past him.
Mercenary (4) climbs past Almarath as well, jumps past the horses at the back of the wagon and runs at Mounted Goblin (3), firing his light crossbow.
Mercenary (4) Attack Roll: 17 + 1 = 18
Mercenary (4) Damage Roll: 5
The bolt flies true and catches the Mounted Goblin in the temple, and the creature drops like a boneless bird. It lands on top of the downed mercenary, as dead as its victim.
Mercenary (5) jumps from the coach of his wagon and rushes alongside Almarath's firing his light crossbow at Hyena (1).
Mercenary (5) Attack Roll: 3 + 1 = 4
The bolt hits the dirt at the hyena's feet, and the animal, concerned more with Ox, doesn't even notice.
Mercenary (6) jumps from the coach and runs around his wagon's horses, intent to join Mercenaries (3) and (4).
Mercenary (7) squeezes past the non-combatant passenger and onto the sand, running past the horses to help Mercenary (5).
Mercenary (8) jumps from the back of his wagon and joins Mercenaries (5) and (7).
Jeren grabs his longspear from underneathe the wagon coach, hops onto the sand, and rushes at and around Goblin (H), staying just out of range enough to avoid the goblin's ferocious axe.
Jeren's Attack Roll: 16 + 4 = 20
Jeren's Damage Roll: 5 +2 = 7
Jeren skewers Goblin (H) with his spear, ripping through its leather armor and up through its gut. The goblin tries to rush up the spearshaft but Jeren works the spear like a lever, and the goblin its too torn up inside to fight, it collapses, screaming in fatal pain.
Jamie and Joan hustle out of Jeren's wagon and out onto the sand, away from the fighting.
All other non-combatants huddle in the wagon's, waiting to see how the fight plays out.
Your move, Almarath.

Goblins (A), (B), (C), (D) and (G) move 30 feet southwest towards Almarath's wagon, hoping to overpower it and the elf with the thunderstaff.
Goblins (E), (F) and (H) move 30 feet west towards Jeren's wagon, simply because it's the closest. Goblin (F) hurls his tomahawk at Ox!
Goblin (H)'s Attack Roll: 4 + 3 - 2 = 5
The tomahawk flies past Ox's shoulder, hitting the sand on the flat edge. "Bladderburst!" The goblin snaps, reaching for another tomahawk on its belt.
Mercenary (1) leaps down from the coach's bench and lands beside the wagon horse, but as he does, Mounted Goblin (3) makes an attack of opportunity.
Mounted Goblin (3)'s Attack Roll: 11 + 2 = 13
Mounted Goblin (3)'s Damage Roll: 6
The Mounted Goblin swing his tomahawk into the neck of Mercenary (1), and the hewn stone cuts through his neck and tears open the artery. The mercenary's eyes widen as death rushes up to meet him, and he falls, the blood splashing from his neck, so much he can't even move himself as his own heart finishes him off. Screams erupt from the wagons as the families see the bloodshed.
Mercenary (2) aims his light crossbow at Mounted Goblin (3) and fires!
Mercenary (2)'s Attack Roll: 12 +1 = 13
The bolt hits the goblin in the chest, but the sharp end jams in the goblin's leather and bone armor, not even nicking the skin. The goblin flicks it away, letting out hyena-like yelping laughter.
Cursing, Mercenary (2) reloads his crossbow.
Mercenary (3) climbs past Almarath and leaps down onto the sand, takes several long steps forward and fires his light crossbow at Goblin (A).
Mercenary (3) Attack Roll: 7 + 1 = 8
The shot goes wide, and the goblin doesn't even see it fly past him.
Mercenary (4) climbs past Almarath as well, jumps past the horses at the back of the wagon and runs at Mounted Goblin (3), firing his light crossbow.
Mercenary (4) Attack Roll: 17 + 1 = 18
Mercenary (4) Damage Roll: 5
The bolt flies true and catches the Mounted Goblin in the temple, and the creature drops like a boneless bird. It lands on top of the downed mercenary, as dead as its victim.
Mercenary (5) jumps from the coach of his wagon and rushes alongside Almarath's firing his light crossbow at Hyena (1).
Mercenary (5) Attack Roll: 3 + 1 = 4
The bolt hits the dirt at the hyena's feet, and the animal, concerned more with Ox, doesn't even notice.
Mercenary (6) jumps from the coach and runs around his wagon's horses, intent to join Mercenaries (3) and (4).
Mercenary (7) squeezes past the non-combatant passenger and onto the sand, running past the horses to help Mercenary (5).
Mercenary (8) jumps from the back of his wagon and joins Mercenaries (5) and (7).
Jeren grabs his longspear from underneathe the wagon coach, hops onto the sand, and rushes at and around Goblin (H), staying just out of range enough to avoid the goblin's ferocious axe.
Jeren's Attack Roll: 16 + 4 = 20
Jeren's Damage Roll: 5 +2 = 7
Jeren skewers Goblin (H) with his spear, ripping through its leather armor and up through its gut. The goblin tries to rush up the spearshaft but Jeren works the spear like a lever, and the goblin its too torn up inside to fight, it collapses, screaming in fatal pain.
Jamie and Joan hustle out of Jeren's wagon and out onto the sand, away from the fighting.
All other non-combatants huddle in the wagon's, waiting to see how the fight plays out.
Your move, Almarath.

- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
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The shouts of war, the wounded, and the warriors drifted away as the elf lined up another shot at the advancing goblins. His mercenary brethren were not doing so well and one of them had already painted the sands red with his blood. Almarath's finger twitched slightly as he pointed his rifle at the closest goblin and let loose another round.
To hit Goblin A: 1d20 (Natural 20! Woot!) + 6 +1 w/n 30ft: 27
Roll to confirm Critical: 1d20 (13) + 6 +1 w/n 30ft.: 20 CRIT CONFIRMED!
Damage: 2d10 (7, 7) + 10 + 2 = 26 points of damage!
The goblin's head exploded like a ripe melon and he tumbled into the sand, red blood splashing across the desert. His body slumped to the ground and was still. Almarath let out a whoop and yelled out at the advancing goblins, trying to intimidate them with a menacing stare.
"Run 'way, you damned bastards or your heads will explode just as nicely!"
Intimidate Roll: 1d20 (12) + 8 skill = 20
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
To hit Goblin A: 1d20 (Natural 20! Woot!) + 6 +1 w/n 30ft: 27
Roll to confirm Critical: 1d20 (13) + 6 +1 w/n 30ft.: 20 CRIT CONFIRMED!
Damage: 2d10 (7, 7) + 10 + 2 = 26 points of damage!
The goblin's head exploded like a ripe melon and he tumbled into the sand, red blood splashing across the desert. His body slumped to the ground and was still. Almarath let out a whoop and yelled out at the advancing goblins, trying to intimidate them with a menacing stare.
"Run 'way, you damned bastards or your heads will explode just as nicely!"
Intimidate Roll: 1d20 (12) + 8 skill = 20
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
(OOC: Chris, congrats! You've probably pissed off Chrissy! *Laughs* On the subject, you forgot the +4 Size modifier for Intimidation checks. I see 24.)
Goblin (A)'s companions (B and C) are splashed with his blood, and they come to a halt, blinking.
"Run 'way, you damned bastards or your heads will explode just as nicely!" Almarath cried, grinning wickedly at the two.
Goblin (A) Resist Intimidate: 14 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 10
Goblin (B) Resist Intimidate: 11 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 7
Result: Both goblins are now treated as though affected by a fear spell.
The two goblins glanced at each other, let out terrified cries, and turned to run, the fight draining from them like the urine in their loincloths.
Hyena (1) shakes off its daze and snaps at Ox, trying to get the vaquero's head in its jaws.
Hyena (1) Attack Roll: 10 + 3 = 13
The hyena's bite snaps down in front of Ox's eyes, and Ox gets a whiff of rotten breath, a few flecks of spittle, and one broken hyena fang to the face.
Mounted Goblin (2) hooted and gave his hyena a kick, and it whirled away from the horse it was attacking to rush at Jeren. As it closes in, Jeren turns his spear towards it, trying to take it down first.
Jeren's Attack Roll: 16 + 4 = 20
Jeren's Damage Roll: 1d8 + 2 = 4
Jeren's spear grazed the hyena's shoulder, but it skirted around the spear and lunged at Jeren, its jaws wide.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 10 + 3 = 13
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 5 + 3 = 8
The goblin and its hyena mount slammed into Jeren, tackling him down, and the hyena bit and jerked at his shoulder and neck, tearing the flesh. Jeren screamed out in pain, but managed to shove the hyena off him.
Hyena (3) turned and ran at Mercenary (4), jaws wide and hungry. The mercenary's crossbow was empty, so he dropped it and drew his longsword, swining at the hyena to knock it back.
Mercenary (3) Attack Roll: 3 + 3 = 6
The mercenary's swing didn't have enough space and slapped harmlessly against the hyena. Practically drooling in anticipation, the hyena lunged for the man's exposed neck.
Hyena (3) Attack Roll: 13 + 3 = 16
Hyena (3) Damage Roll: 8
The mercenary barely managed a scream as the hyena clamped its teeth on his neck. Powerful muscles and rock-hard teeth flexed and squeezed, and the mercenary's throat came free in one huge gulp of flesh. Blood sprayed as the man's head fell lopsided, and his body dropped as the hyena chomped at the tasty morsel.
Ox leaned back and swung at Hyena (1), letting out a "Whore!" as he swung.
Ox's Attack Roll: 18 + 6 = 24
Ox's Damage Roll: 6
Ox uppercutted the hyena, and its jaw shattered even as it bit off a chunk of its own tongue. There was a crack in its skull and neck, and it fell to the sand, its head a ruined mess. Ox popped his knuckles, grinning. "Who's next?" He dropped down to all fours, and sprinting like a cheetah, he rushed past the dead hyena and its fallen master toward Goblin (F), who swung at Ox with his tomahawk, leaning into the blow to bring the axe down toward Ox's head.
Goblin (F) Attack Roll: Natural 20 + 2 = 22 (OOC: Eek!)
Confirm Critical: 3 + 2 = 5 (OOC: Oh praise the Divine...)
Goblin (F) Damage Roll: 3
Ox spotted the tomahawk coming down, and turned his head slightly. His banrai-hide hat and tough skull deflected the tomahawk partially, but it still cut Ox's forehead and knocked off his smoked glasses.
"Jeren!" Greth shouted. Leaping from the wagon, he drew his longsword and stabbed at Hyena (2), but the hyena was quicker, and snapped at his extended arm.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 15 + 3 = 18
Hyena (2) Damage Roll: 9
The hyena latched its powerful jaws onto Greth's swordarm, biting down hard and splintering one of the forearm bones. Greth howled out in pain, but wrenched the sword free from his wounded arm and stabbed down hard at the hyena.
Greth's Attack Roll: 17 + 3 = 20
Greth's Damage Roll: 7 + 1 = 8
Greth's blade pierced the hyena's shoulder and sank through muscle, grinding against bone. The hyena let out a painful yelp, releasing Greth's arm to back away a step.
Your turn, Arisitrina.
HP: 23
WPN: Unarmed Strike +6 melee (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump

Goblin (A)'s companions (B and C) are splashed with his blood, and they come to a halt, blinking.
"Run 'way, you damned bastards or your heads will explode just as nicely!" Almarath cried, grinning wickedly at the two.
Goblin (A) Resist Intimidate: 14 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 10
Goblin (B) Resist Intimidate: 11 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 7
Result: Both goblins are now treated as though affected by a fear spell.
The two goblins glanced at each other, let out terrified cries, and turned to run, the fight draining from them like the urine in their loincloths.
Hyena (1) shakes off its daze and snaps at Ox, trying to get the vaquero's head in its jaws.
Hyena (1) Attack Roll: 10 + 3 = 13
The hyena's bite snaps down in front of Ox's eyes, and Ox gets a whiff of rotten breath, a few flecks of spittle, and one broken hyena fang to the face.
Mounted Goblin (2) hooted and gave his hyena a kick, and it whirled away from the horse it was attacking to rush at Jeren. As it closes in, Jeren turns his spear towards it, trying to take it down first.
Jeren's Attack Roll: 16 + 4 = 20
Jeren's Damage Roll: 1d8 + 2 = 4
Jeren's spear grazed the hyena's shoulder, but it skirted around the spear and lunged at Jeren, its jaws wide.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 10 + 3 = 13
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 5 + 3 = 8
The goblin and its hyena mount slammed into Jeren, tackling him down, and the hyena bit and jerked at his shoulder and neck, tearing the flesh. Jeren screamed out in pain, but managed to shove the hyena off him.
Hyena (3) turned and ran at Mercenary (4), jaws wide and hungry. The mercenary's crossbow was empty, so he dropped it and drew his longsword, swining at the hyena to knock it back.
Mercenary (3) Attack Roll: 3 + 3 = 6
The mercenary's swing didn't have enough space and slapped harmlessly against the hyena. Practically drooling in anticipation, the hyena lunged for the man's exposed neck.
Hyena (3) Attack Roll: 13 + 3 = 16
Hyena (3) Damage Roll: 8
The mercenary barely managed a scream as the hyena clamped its teeth on his neck. Powerful muscles and rock-hard teeth flexed and squeezed, and the mercenary's throat came free in one huge gulp of flesh. Blood sprayed as the man's head fell lopsided, and his body dropped as the hyena chomped at the tasty morsel.
Ox leaned back and swung at Hyena (1), letting out a "Whore!" as he swung.
Ox's Attack Roll: 18 + 6 = 24
Ox's Damage Roll: 6
Ox uppercutted the hyena, and its jaw shattered even as it bit off a chunk of its own tongue. There was a crack in its skull and neck, and it fell to the sand, its head a ruined mess. Ox popped his knuckles, grinning. "Who's next?" He dropped down to all fours, and sprinting like a cheetah, he rushed past the dead hyena and its fallen master toward Goblin (F), who swung at Ox with his tomahawk, leaning into the blow to bring the axe down toward Ox's head.
Goblin (F) Attack Roll: Natural 20 + 2 = 22 (OOC: Eek!)
Confirm Critical: 3 + 2 = 5 (OOC: Oh praise the Divine...)
Goblin (F) Damage Roll: 3
Ox spotted the tomahawk coming down, and turned his head slightly. His banrai-hide hat and tough skull deflected the tomahawk partially, but it still cut Ox's forehead and knocked off his smoked glasses.
"Jeren!" Greth shouted. Leaping from the wagon, he drew his longsword and stabbed at Hyena (2), but the hyena was quicker, and snapped at his extended arm.
Hyena (2) Attack Roll: 15 + 3 = 18
Hyena (2) Damage Roll: 9
The hyena latched its powerful jaws onto Greth's swordarm, biting down hard and splintering one of the forearm bones. Greth howled out in pain, but wrenched the sword free from his wounded arm and stabbed down hard at the hyena.
Greth's Attack Roll: 17 + 3 = 20
Greth's Damage Roll: 7 + 1 = 8
Greth's blade pierced the hyena's shoulder and sank through muscle, grinding against bone. The hyena let out a painful yelp, releasing Greth's arm to back away a step.
Your turn, Arisitrina.
HP: 23
WPN: Unarmed Strike +6 melee (1d6+4 /x2) To Hit: +6
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +1
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump

- Far-Sighted Wanderer
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:16 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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Briefly checking that the girl was under the guard of her mother, Arisitrina realized that an active defense was needed. Mace brandished brightly, the elven woman charges the beast.
Arisitrina's attack roll: 9 + 6 +2 charging bonus= 17
The force of her momentum drives the mace through the hyena's tough skin.
Arisitrina' damage roll: 5 + 4 Str = 9
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead[/b]
Arisitrina's attack roll: 9 + 6 +2 charging bonus= 17
The force of her momentum drives the mace through the hyena's tough skin.
Arisitrina' damage roll: 5 + 4 Str = 9
HP: 20
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +2
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead[/b]
(OOC: Chrissy, I'm going to assume you charged Hyena (2), 'cause it's the only one you can reach with a charge.)
Arisitrina rushed past Greth, coming up on the hyena even as it broke away from Greth. She leapt forward and swung, bringing the full force of the gasher mace into the hyena's exposed head. The weapon crushes its skull in and rips apart its flesh, living up to its namesake. The hyena barely manages a yelp before it hits the ground on its side, its last breath escaping.
The hyena's goblin rider gave a wail of fear and grief for its lost mount, but as the hyena dropped the goblin rolled off , landing beside Jeren and bringing its tomahawk up for a throw.
* * * * *
After Almarath made his violent intentions clear to goblin (A) and (B), both turned and fled, screaming a warning to their fellows in their unusual tongue - something about "death with thundersticks."
Goblin (D) wasn't afraid, though. Biting its lips and spitting curses, the goblin runs at Mercenary (3), stopping just outside the mercenary's reach, and hurled a tomahawk.
Attack Roll: 14 + 3 = 17
Damge Roll: 4
The tomahawk flipped end over end and imbedded itself deep in the mercenary's left leg, buried all the way to the shaft. The mercenary fumbled in reloading and dropped to his right knee, screaming in pain. Gritting his teeth, the mercenary grabbed the tomahawk and tore it free, tossing it aside.
Mercenary (4) took 1 extra point of damage when he tore the tomahawk out.
The goblin cheered, snarling and yelping like a hyena, and reached for another tomahawk on his belt.
Thinking that the battle was progressing well, Goblin (E) let out a cheer and rushed at Ox, leaping into the vaquero's range. Ox, still on his hands and knees, ducked low, and jumped straight up, faster than a swinging club, as the goblin came down toward him.
Attack (of Opportunity) Roll: 9 + 6 = 15
AO Damage Roll: 2 + 4 = 6
Ox's hard skull collided with the goblin's chest, and there was a horrendous crunch from the goblin's ribcage. It bounced off Ox's head, and hit the dirt, wheezing and trying to suck in breath. It tried to speak, sounded like it was talking underwater, wheezed some more, and died.
Snarling at the death of its comrade, Goblin (F) swung at Ox, its tomahawk had a clear path for Ox's exposed back.
Attack Roll: 8 + 2 = 10
The goblin let out a shout of surprise as the tomahawk merely thumped against Ox's back, the soft leather of his duster barely scratched. Ox whirled, facing the goblin, and growled like a cougar.
Goblin (G) sucked in a breath and hardened its guts. "Mudsuck'em pew!" It cried, rushing around its fallen goblins and coming up behind Arisitrina, and hurled its tomahawk at her exposed back.
Attack Roll: 19 + 3 w/10ft. = 22
Damage Roll: 3
Arisitrina has 17/20 hp.
The tomahawk flew end over end and chipped through her chainshirt, halted enough to prevent major damage but still digging a bit into Arisitrina's lower back. The goblin whooped, grabbing for another tomahawk on its belt.
* * * * *
From the south came a suddenly series of howls and hoots. From the cliffs above the road, two more mounted goblins on hyenas and a trio of goblins on foot appeared, answering the commotion of their fellows. They quickly start down the the cliff together.
Mounted Goblin (4) and (5) Initiative Rolls: 13
Goblin (I), (J), and (K) Initiative Rolls: 15
Mounted Goblin (4) Climb Check: 19 + 2 = 21
Mounted Goblin (4) easily makes it down the cliff-side and joins its bretheren in the fight.
Mounted Goblin (5) Climb Check: 17 + 2 = 19
Mounted Goblin (5)'s hyena mount slips, and they slide down the cliff side, landing in a heap at the bottom. They take 1 point of damage each.
Goblin (I) Climb Check: 16
Goblin (I) falls, landing on Mounted Goblin (5) and taking 2 points of damage.
Goblin (J) and (K) frown, and rush off to find a safer path down the cliffside.
* * * * *
Mercenary (2) reloaded his light crossbow, and shot at Hyena (3).
Attack Roll: 19 + 1 = 20
Damage Roll: 5
The bolt stirkes the hyena in the upper shoulder just where it meets the neck, and the hyena let out a painful yelp, dropping the partially eaten bit of flesh in its mouth.
Mercenary (3) reloaded his light crossbow and shot at Goblin (D).
Attack Roll: 4 + 1 = 5
The bolt plinked! off the goblin's bone and leather armor, and the goblin hooted laughter at him.
Thinking quickly, Mercenary (5) ducked under some horses, leapt over the fallen bodies of a mercenary and a goblin, and fired at Goblin (D) with his light crossbow.
Attack Roll: 16 + 1 = 17
Damage Roll: 4
The bolt caught the goblin in the back, sinking deep through its chest. Air and blood hissed out of the wound as the creature's lung was punctured.
Mercenary (6) stepped up beside Mercenary (3) and fired at Hyena (3).
Attack Roll: 8 + 1 = 9
The bolt flies past the hyena, hitting the sand somewhere in the distance. The merc swore in dwarven and started to reload.
Mercenary (7), a young man who'd never seen combat so bloody before, bolted for Almarath's wagon and climbed in with the elf, holding his head in both hands. "Gods above! God's above!" He cried.
Mercenary (8) held his ground, readying himself for anyone to get past the vaquero other other defenders.
Pushing to his feet, Jeren winced at the painful wounds in his neck and arm. He took a 5-foot step back from the dead hyena, and with his good arm he stabbed at the goblin that rode it.
Attack Roll: 13 + 4 = 17
Damge Roll: 8 + 2 = 10
Jeren's spear catches the filthy savage in the neck, and the speartip shreds its way to the ceiling of its skull, mashing brains and blood. The goblin falls to the ground, twitching.
The non-combatants moved away from the battle, trying to get back from the attacking goblins.
"Daddy!" Jamie cried, seeing him in pain, she bolted from Joan's arms and ran for her father.
"Jamie!" Joan shouted, trying to chase after her.
Your turn Almarath.

Arisitrina rushed past Greth, coming up on the hyena even as it broke away from Greth. She leapt forward and swung, bringing the full force of the gasher mace into the hyena's exposed head. The weapon crushes its skull in and rips apart its flesh, living up to its namesake. The hyena barely manages a yelp before it hits the ground on its side, its last breath escaping.
The hyena's goblin rider gave a wail of fear and grief for its lost mount, but as the hyena dropped the goblin rolled off , landing beside Jeren and bringing its tomahawk up for a throw.
* * * * *
After Almarath made his violent intentions clear to goblin (A) and (B), both turned and fled, screaming a warning to their fellows in their unusual tongue - something about "death with thundersticks."
Goblin (D) wasn't afraid, though. Biting its lips and spitting curses, the goblin runs at Mercenary (3), stopping just outside the mercenary's reach, and hurled a tomahawk.
Attack Roll: 14 + 3 = 17
Damge Roll: 4
The tomahawk flipped end over end and imbedded itself deep in the mercenary's left leg, buried all the way to the shaft. The mercenary fumbled in reloading and dropped to his right knee, screaming in pain. Gritting his teeth, the mercenary grabbed the tomahawk and tore it free, tossing it aside.
Mercenary (4) took 1 extra point of damage when he tore the tomahawk out.
The goblin cheered, snarling and yelping like a hyena, and reached for another tomahawk on his belt.
Thinking that the battle was progressing well, Goblin (E) let out a cheer and rushed at Ox, leaping into the vaquero's range. Ox, still on his hands and knees, ducked low, and jumped straight up, faster than a swinging club, as the goblin came down toward him.
Attack (of Opportunity) Roll: 9 + 6 = 15
AO Damage Roll: 2 + 4 = 6
Ox's hard skull collided with the goblin's chest, and there was a horrendous crunch from the goblin's ribcage. It bounced off Ox's head, and hit the dirt, wheezing and trying to suck in breath. It tried to speak, sounded like it was talking underwater, wheezed some more, and died.
Snarling at the death of its comrade, Goblin (F) swung at Ox, its tomahawk had a clear path for Ox's exposed back.
Attack Roll: 8 + 2 = 10
The goblin let out a shout of surprise as the tomahawk merely thumped against Ox's back, the soft leather of his duster barely scratched. Ox whirled, facing the goblin, and growled like a cougar.
Goblin (G) sucked in a breath and hardened its guts. "Mudsuck'em pew!" It cried, rushing around its fallen goblins and coming up behind Arisitrina, and hurled its tomahawk at her exposed back.
Attack Roll: 19 + 3 w/10ft. = 22
Damage Roll: 3
Arisitrina has 17/20 hp.
The tomahawk flew end over end and chipped through her chainshirt, halted enough to prevent major damage but still digging a bit into Arisitrina's lower back. The goblin whooped, grabbing for another tomahawk on its belt.
* * * * *
From the south came a suddenly series of howls and hoots. From the cliffs above the road, two more mounted goblins on hyenas and a trio of goblins on foot appeared, answering the commotion of their fellows. They quickly start down the the cliff together.
Mounted Goblin (4) and (5) Initiative Rolls: 13
Goblin (I), (J), and (K) Initiative Rolls: 15
Mounted Goblin (4) Climb Check: 19 + 2 = 21
Mounted Goblin (4) easily makes it down the cliff-side and joins its bretheren in the fight.
Mounted Goblin (5) Climb Check: 17 + 2 = 19
Mounted Goblin (5)'s hyena mount slips, and they slide down the cliff side, landing in a heap at the bottom. They take 1 point of damage each.
Goblin (I) Climb Check: 16
Goblin (I) falls, landing on Mounted Goblin (5) and taking 2 points of damage.
Goblin (J) and (K) frown, and rush off to find a safer path down the cliffside.
* * * * *
Mercenary (2) reloaded his light crossbow, and shot at Hyena (3).
Attack Roll: 19 + 1 = 20
Damage Roll: 5
The bolt stirkes the hyena in the upper shoulder just where it meets the neck, and the hyena let out a painful yelp, dropping the partially eaten bit of flesh in its mouth.
Mercenary (3) reloaded his light crossbow and shot at Goblin (D).
Attack Roll: 4 + 1 = 5
The bolt plinked! off the goblin's bone and leather armor, and the goblin hooted laughter at him.
Thinking quickly, Mercenary (5) ducked under some horses, leapt over the fallen bodies of a mercenary and a goblin, and fired at Goblin (D) with his light crossbow.
Attack Roll: 16 + 1 = 17
Damage Roll: 4
The bolt caught the goblin in the back, sinking deep through its chest. Air and blood hissed out of the wound as the creature's lung was punctured.
Mercenary (6) stepped up beside Mercenary (3) and fired at Hyena (3).
Attack Roll: 8 + 1 = 9
The bolt flies past the hyena, hitting the sand somewhere in the distance. The merc swore in dwarven and started to reload.
Mercenary (7), a young man who'd never seen combat so bloody before, bolted for Almarath's wagon and climbed in with the elf, holding his head in both hands. "Gods above! God's above!" He cried.
Mercenary (8) held his ground, readying himself for anyone to get past the vaquero other other defenders.
Pushing to his feet, Jeren winced at the painful wounds in his neck and arm. He took a 5-foot step back from the dead hyena, and with his good arm he stabbed at the goblin that rode it.
Attack Roll: 13 + 4 = 17
Damge Roll: 8 + 2 = 10
Jeren's spear catches the filthy savage in the neck, and the speartip shreds its way to the ceiling of its skull, mashing brains and blood. The goblin falls to the ground, twitching.
The non-combatants moved away from the battle, trying to get back from the attacking goblins.
"Daddy!" Jamie cried, seeing him in pain, she bolted from Joan's arms and ran for her father.
"Jamie!" Joan shouted, trying to chase after her.
Your turn Almarath.

- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
- Posts: 194
- Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:05 am
- Location: Southwest Florida
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The battle wasn't going as well as the elf thought it could. They were outnumbered and goblin reinforcements had just arrived, crushing down the face of the mountain and yelling out for human blood. Almarath spit on the ground as one of the mercenaries crawled into the wagon, muttering pathetically to the gods.
"If you stay back there, more innocents goin' to die because of you bein' a coward. Get off your ass and get back into the fight!"
Diplomacy roll: 1d20 (13) + Skill of 3: 16
Almarath turned away from the cowering human and aimed his rifle towards the closest threat, one of the hyenas. (Hyena 3)
To hit: 1d20 (15, damn I'm rollin' good!) + 6 + 1/within 30ft. = 22
Damage: 1d10 (10! Woot!) + 5 + 1/within 30 ft. = 16
The gunslinger laughed menacingly as the goblin's mount took a bullet in the chest and its ribcage exploded outward, exposing its shredded innards and painting the sands a deep red with even more blood.
"Your mount explodes just as nicely as your friend's head did!"
Intimidate Roll: 1d20 (9) + skill of 8 = 17
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
"If you stay back there, more innocents goin' to die because of you bein' a coward. Get off your ass and get back into the fight!"
Diplomacy roll: 1d20 (13) + Skill of 3: 16
Almarath turned away from the cowering human and aimed his rifle towards the closest threat, one of the hyenas. (Hyena 3)
To hit: 1d20 (15, damn I'm rollin' good!) + 6 + 1/within 30ft. = 22
Damage: 1d10 (10! Woot!) + 5 + 1/within 30 ft. = 16
The gunslinger laughed menacingly as the goblin's mount took a bullet in the chest and its ribcage exploded outward, exposing its shredded innards and painting the sands a deep red with even more blood.
"Your mount explodes just as nicely as your friend's head did!"
Intimidate Roll: 1d20 (9) + skill of 8 = 17
HP: 12
WPN: Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet
BAB: +1
Initiative: +7
AC: 18 / T 15 / FF 13
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +6
Spells: 3/2
MISC: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.