Spellburn Game Thread

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Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

Hissing and thrashing, the wight fought to break free of Ox's grip.

Wight's Escape Grapple Check: 7 + 3 = 10
Ox's Opposed Grapple Check: 7 + 11 = 18

The wight just doesn't have what it takes to break Ox's grip on it.
Last edited by MWallace on Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi spurs the mustang into action, charging forward with best possible speed. At the end of the charge, Kazi swings a clawed hand out at the undead.

Ride Check: 1d20 (18) +11 = 29
Attack roll 1d20 (11) +3 (to hit) +2 (charging) + 1 (higher ground) = 17
Claws 1d4+1 (3 points if I hit).

AC for this round: Kazi 13, Shinki 15
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Post by MWallace »

Kazi rips off the rest of the wight's head as he passes, and the creature goes limp in Ox's grip, slumping to the ground. The vaquero lets it go.

A chorus of hisses and growls rises from the forest. The creatures of the cursed wood do not intend to be denied.

"Maybe we should make for the town." Ox said, backing away and turning to run for the forest.

Wights began to appear in the branches and around the trunks of the forest, moving slowly forward, their snarling lips twitching from anticipation of a chase.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

"Aye, lads and lass, the best idea here would be tae make sure yer legs be workin' and run like the Beasts of Hell were behin' ye!"

Duran put a firm grip on his urgrosh and bolted for the town, the elven gunslinger and the elven ranger not far behind him.

Actions: RUN LIKE HELL!!!
Chris McCoy
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi agrees sliently with a nod of his head, and spurs Shinki into motion - careful to stay towards the rear of the group, while trying to dictate a fast pace.
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Post by MWallace »

Wights break from the trees as the group runs, but the group already has a head start. Up ahead is the town's ramshackle wall, with a heavy oak gate barring the way.

Ox hits the gate first, but the door only buckles. Despite its shoddy appearance, it's been locked up tightly. Ox banged his fist on the door. "Open up!" He snarled.

Behind them, the wights lumbered froward, their footsteps, their eyes burning red in the dark.

On the wall beside the doorway, you see a sign.

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Post by Chris McCoy »

OOC: Is there a lock on the door? And if so, can Almarath pick it?
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

You don't see a lock. Something must be barring the door from the other side.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

OOC: Can we climb it?
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

It's possible, but the door is pretty smooth and about twelve feet high.
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Post by Petersonsdc »

OOC: What if I stood up on Shinki's back? Would I be able to grasp the top, possibly with a short leap?
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

*Chuckles* I see a lot of OOC pondering, but not a lot of Skill attempts. The wights are getting closer... *Evil grin*
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Duran pounded on the gate with a mail-clad fist, yelling at the top of his lungs in Common.

"Open the damned gate, we got wights on our tails!"

Strength Check for pulling on the gate: 1d20 (18) + 4 = 22

Almarath, meanwhile, looked over the gate and tried to look for a way to sneak in through the bars or over the fence.

Search Check: 1d20 (15) + 11 = 26
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Duran pulls, and while the doors swing forward a bit, they don't open.

Almarath, as Duran yanks on the doors, you spot a heavy wooden bar on the other side. If you could get a slender weapon through the gap between the doors, you might be able to pry the bar out of its hooks.

A pair of wights reach the party, hooked claws grasping for you. Arisistrina and Kazi (and Shinki) are closest to the wights.

We'll use the same initiative for combat as before. Since the wights are coming into your threat areas, Arisitrina and Kazi (but not Shinki) get Attacks of Opportunity, so roll 'em!

Combat Round:
Chrissy McCoy
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Post by Chrissy McCoy »

Aristrina brought her mace up over her head, both hands on the haft and ready to chop the nearest wight into lifeless chunks.

1d20 (17) + 8 = 25
Damage: 1d10 (9! Woot!) + 6 (two handed grip) + 5 vs. undead = 20 points!
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Post by MWallace »

[OOC: Bwa ha ha!]

With a sickening crack and spray of dead flesh, Arisitrina's mace knocks the wight off its feet, flipping ot backward and onto its stomach.
[Wight HP: 5]

Oblivious to the fate of its fellow, the second wight rushes at Kazi on his horse.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

OOC: Define "slender weapon"? Would a katana do it or a dagger?
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

I'd say anything thinner than you're finger, so yeah, a katana would do it.
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi swings a clawed hand at the approaching undead.

Claw attack: 1d20 (12) + 3 + 1 (Higher Ground) = 16
Damage: 1d4+1 (4)
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Post by MWallace »

Kazi rakes his claws across the wight's face, but the undead filth doesn't seem to register the hit.

Meanwhile, the wight that was knocked off its feet by Arisitrina pushes to its feet and lashes out with claws of its own.

[OOC: I'm going to do your saving roll for you, Arisitrina, if that's okay.]

Wight Attack Roll: 15 + 3 = 18
Wight Damage Roll: 5
Arisitrina's Saving Throw v. Energy Drain: 22

The wight's claws rip across Arisitrina's chest and arm, and you feel a momentary wave of weakness. Clenching your teeth, you growl and tense your muscles, forcing the feeling away. It vanishes after a few heartbeats.

Hissing, the second wight lashes out at Shinki.

Wight 2 Attack Roll: 17 + 3 = 20
Damage Roll: 2 + 1 = 3
Shinki's Saving Throw v. Energy Drain: 19 + 6 = 25

The wight tears its claws across Shinki's hindquarters, and the animal lets out a neighing shriek, bucking on its hind legs. Shinki panics and kicks, its legs aimed not at the wight but at the others...

Random Target: 4 = Ox
Attack Roll: 19 + 3 = 21
Two Hooves Damage: 2 + 3 + 3 = 8

Ox takes the hooves to the chest and is knocked back, rolling across the ground. He lands on his back, groaning painfully, one arm clutching his ribcage.

It's Kazi's turn.

HP: 32/40
WPN: Unarmed Strike +7 melee (1d6+4 /x2)
BAB: +3
AC: 16 / T 13 / FF 16
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +2
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
Experience: 3100
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi struggles to bring Shinki under control....

Ride check: 1d20 (16) +11 = 27

Once he gets Shinki under control, he attacks the nearest wright.

Claw attack: 1d20 (8) +3 +1 (Higher Ground) = 12
Damage: 1d4 (2) +1 = 3
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Post by MWallace »

Kazi, you swipe your claws at the wight, but the undead takes a step back, out of your range.

Ox pushes to his feet, groaning. He shakes himself, freeing dust from his fur. "Gotta... get through this door!"

Still holding his ribs, Ox leans back and slams his head into the door.

Attack Roll: 12 + 6 = 18
Damage Roll: 4 + 4 - 5 = 3

The wooden gate buckles and splinters fly, but it's not going anywhere. The vaquero snorts, growling.

"Any ideas, guys?"

Duran's turn.

HP: 32/40
WPN: Unarmed Strike +7 melee (1d6+4 /x2)
BAB: +3
AC: 16 / T 13 / FF 16
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 17 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3)
Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +2
MISC: When Galloping: +20ft. Speed, +2 to Balance, Climb and Jump
Experience: 3100
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath shouted to the dwarf about the bar on the inside. Duran nodded and shouted back, "Ye take care of it, elf, I got some undead tae be dealin' with!"

He readied his urgrosh and charged at the wight that was on the mounted druid. With both hands gripping his heavy weapon, he brought the axe head down on the wight's head.

Attack Roll: 1d20 (16) + 7 + 2 for charging: 25
Damage: 1d8 (7) + 6 = 13

HP: 36
WPN: Dwarven Urgrosh: To Hit: +7 (+5/+5 w/TWF) Damage: 1d8+4/1d6+2 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: S/P Range: 0 feet (Can be readied against charging opponent/x2 dmg)
BAB: +2
Initiative: +3
AC: 18 / T 13 / FF 15
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 11 (+0)
Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +7
Spells Remaining: 4/3+1/2+1
MISC: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Duran's axe-head splits the wight's head down the middle, and the wight wheezes from its throat. Its dessicated brain and flesh flop about in its cleaved skull, layered with decayed slime. The wight isn't "dead" yet however...

It's Arisitrina's turn.
Chrissy McCoy
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Post by Chrissy McCoy »

Aristrina watched the battle unfold through a crimson fog of hatred for those unnatural creatures that were attacking her companions. As Duran's axe sliced through the wight's brains, Aristrina brought her mace head up with a two handed grip and blasted away at the wight's midsection.

To Hit: 1d20 (18, Yay!) + 8 = 26
Damage: 1d10 (10, Double Yay!) + 6 + 5 undead damage = 21

HP: 25/30
WPN: Gasher Mace: To Hit: +8 (+6/+6 w/TWF) Damage: 1d10+4/1d8+4 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +5 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet
BAB: +3
AC: 16 / T 12 / FF 14
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +4
MISC: +5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead
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