Firefly/Horizons: Brave New World (part two)
Firefly/Horizons: Brave New World (part two)
The Magellan floated ominously over Redemption, a triple-towered, massive cruiser bristling with weapons.
On the bridge of Magellan, the captain entered the clean, bright bridge, adjusting his hat.
"Captain on deck!" Someone called.
"As you were. Ensign, status?"
"Sir, tag ID confirms, it's Horizon-class." The ensign said, "Identified as the Redemption, under the ownership of a freelance freight captain."
The captain nodded, "Send the hail, announce we're coming aboard to provide aid."
* * *
"Captain, what do I do?" Jesse said, seated in Redemption's cockpit, "They're coming aboard."
In the cargo bay, where the bodies of both a dead raider and Gabe's unconscious, backstabbing "buddy" Eddie lay on the deck, Gabe sighed, "Let 'em come. Val, get back down here. Minerva, Lincoln, Jesse, all of you stay put. No, wait..." He turned and looked at the bodies, "Which one of you can cry the most convincin'-like?"
On the bridge of Magellan, the captain entered the clean, bright bridge, adjusting his hat.
"Captain on deck!" Someone called.
"As you were. Ensign, status?"
"Sir, tag ID confirms, it's Horizon-class." The ensign said, "Identified as the Redemption, under the ownership of a freelance freight captain."
The captain nodded, "Send the hail, announce we're coming aboard to provide aid."
* * *
"Captain, what do I do?" Jesse said, seated in Redemption's cockpit, "They're coming aboard."
In the cargo bay, where the bodies of both a dead raider and Gabe's unconscious, backstabbing "buddy" Eddie lay on the deck, Gabe sighed, "Let 'em come. Val, get back down here. Minerva, Lincoln, Jesse, all of you stay put. No, wait..." He turned and looked at the bodies, "Which one of you can cry the most convincin'-like?"
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Valiant heard the captain's voice over the comm and was heading out of the medical bay when Darren put his hand on Val's shoulder.
"He needs someone who can cry convincing like? I think I'm in enough pain where I might just be able to help!" Darren said, his voice laced with pain.
Valiant nodded to the doctor and helped him back down into the cargobay.
Valiant turned his stare on the captain and lead the wounded doctor back down the stairs.
"The doctor thinks he fits the crying part rather well. I am in definite agreement. You know, being a Coreworlder and all..."
Valiant grinned at the captain while Darren just rolled his eyes.
Minerva heard the captain over the intercom system but was only paying half attention as she continued to work on the engine, getting everything stowed away in case they needed to make a quick getaway from the Alliance.
She wiped her sweaty brow with a cloth and put it back on her belt. She reclaimed her tools and looked at Lincoln.
"Are things usually this eventful when Gabe's in command?"
"He needs someone who can cry convincing like? I think I'm in enough pain where I might just be able to help!" Darren said, his voice laced with pain.
Valiant nodded to the doctor and helped him back down into the cargobay.
Valiant turned his stare on the captain and lead the wounded doctor back down the stairs.
"The doctor thinks he fits the crying part rather well. I am in definite agreement. You know, being a Coreworlder and all..."
Valiant grinned at the captain while Darren just rolled his eyes.
Minerva heard the captain over the intercom system but was only paying half attention as she continued to work on the engine, getting everything stowed away in case they needed to make a quick getaway from the Alliance.
She wiped her sweaty brow with a cloth and put it back on her belt. She reclaimed her tools and looked at Lincoln.
"Are things usually this eventful when Gabe's in command?"
Lincoln smiled sheepishly, "I dunno. I've never flown with him before." He shrugged, "The captain doesn't really talk about himself. Doesn't even swear like normal folk."
* * *
Gabe merely glanced at Val and Miller, all serious. "I was hoping for a woman, but you'll do." He pointed at the dead raider, "Weep over our lost crewman."
He turned to Val, "Take yourself and Eddie and hide yourselves in the storage room, it's just past the bay. Get in there and don't come out until I come for you, understood?"
There was a metallic clank as the Magellan docked with Redemption. "Listen, ain't got time for arguements, do what I say."
* * *
Gabe merely glanced at Val and Miller, all serious. "I was hoping for a woman, but you'll do." He pointed at the dead raider, "Weep over our lost crewman."
He turned to Val, "Take yourself and Eddie and hide yourselves in the storage room, it's just past the bay. Get in there and don't come out until I come for you, understood?"
There was a metallic clank as the Magellan docked with Redemption. "Listen, ain't got time for arguements, do what I say."
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Minerva nodded and went back to work.
"You know, Lincoln, you're pretty good with technology. Ever think of buildin' yourself a girlfriend?"
She smirked to the college boy and tossed him a wrench.
"Help me look over the thruster output controls. I want to make sure the thrusters are gettin' enough juice."
Valiant just nodded to the captain, dragged the battered Eddie into the storage area, pulled out one of his Siams, and trained it on the man. Just before he shut the door, he looked over at Gabe.
"If he moves, should I give him a new hole to breath out of?"
Darren only sighed and looked at the dead raider. He knelt down and looked over at Gabriel, uncertain.
But, through the haze of pain, he was in no mood to be getting into an argument.
As the airlock hissed open, Darren began to wail with very convincing sincerity.
Interaction: 22
Bluff: 12
"You know, Lincoln, you're pretty good with technology. Ever think of buildin' yourself a girlfriend?"
She smirked to the college boy and tossed him a wrench.
"Help me look over the thruster output controls. I want to make sure the thrusters are gettin' enough juice."
Valiant just nodded to the captain, dragged the battered Eddie into the storage area, pulled out one of his Siams, and trained it on the man. Just before he shut the door, he looked over at Gabe.
"If he moves, should I give him a new hole to breath out of?"
Darren only sighed and looked at the dead raider. He knelt down and looked over at Gabriel, uncertain.
But, through the haze of pain, he was in no mood to be getting into an argument.
As the airlock hissed open, Darren began to wail with very convincing sincerity.
Interaction: 22
Bluff: 12
Lincoln fumbled with the wrench but dropped it, "Of course I've thought about it. But can you imagine the cost for parts? The skin alone would probably buy this ship." He looked at her squarely. "What?"
* * *
"Don't kill him." Gabe said, "We need him to learn where they took that other crate. This ain't over yet, not for us, and not for him."
He closed the door and sealed it, then went back to the cargo bay where Darren was putting on a right convincin' wail.
He put a few steps away from Darren and hit the door controls as the Alliance soldiers entered the airlock. He put his hands up and backed away as over a dozen soldiers marched in, sonic rifles aimed at every concievable hiding place. Behind the soldiers stepped the Magellan's captain, hands behind his back.
"Clear." Said one of the guards.
The captain turned to Gabe. "Are you in charge?"
"Sir," Gabe said, "I run this ship."
The captain stepped in close, holding up a device to Gabe's face. It flashed a picture and ran it through a network. "Captain... Han Solo?"
"That's me, sir." Gabe said.
"What happened here, Captain Solo?" The capatian asked.
"Raiders, sir." Gabe said, "I'm sure you saw it in your scanners - two ships - one hit us with EMP, the other boarded, took our cargo, killed one of my men-"
As if on cue, Darren's wailing reached a fevered pitch.
The captain glanced at Darren, one eye raised, "I ah, I'm sorry. For your loss."
Gabe leaned close, "Please sir, we never asked questions about those two, they seemed right happy."
The captain nodded, "I'm sure they were. Any other casualties?"
"No sir." Gabe said, "We're in decent shape, but we lost our cargo..."
"I see you still have two more crates." The captain said. A soldier stepped forward and opened one.
"Goods," Gabe said, "From Regina, bound for Persephone."
The captain looked in and pulled out a handful of Fruity Oaty Bars. He rose an eyebrow, then tossed the goods back in. "Never understood the popularity of these things."
"Nor I." Gabe said, "I just mean to ship 'em."
The captain stepped back to Gabe again, "Again, my apologies for your loss, captain. Regina, you said you were from?"
"Yessir." Gabe said, "Not more than three hours out."
The captain nodded, "Regina is under lockdown. My ship was en-route. Apparently there's a riot in progress."
"A riot?" Gabe asked, "Regina was peaceful as puppies when we left."
Bluff Check: 13
Captain's Sense Motive: 11
The captain shrugged, "The captain put the whole planet under lockdown, they're looking for some fugitive, beat up a few local officers."
Gabe made an exasperated sigh, "Some folk just have no respect for law."
"Indeed." The captain said, he looked around again, then looked into his device, "Understand, Captain, we would go after the men who did this, but for the trouble in Regina-"
"I understand," Gabe said, "The rest of my people are in good health. I'll get 'em to Persephone."
The captain chewed his lip, then waved his men back into the airlocks, "Again, I apologize, Captain Solo." He said, "I wish we'd met under better circumstances. We don't meet as many civilized folk in these parts. Not anymore."
Gabe nodded, "Thank you for comin' to help us when you did. It's good to know the Alliance is still there for us."
The captain nodded, then stepped into the airlock. Gabe hit the controls and the airlock hatch closed. When the men were gone from his ship, he sighed, leaning against the wall.
He looked at the doctor, who had stopped crying, then turned to the comm. "Jesse, we clear?"
"Yessir, they're leaving." Jesse said.
"Good. Keep us on course for Persephone for now." Gabe said, "Lets get you to medical, doc. First you, then Eddie. I want him healthy for-" He paused, swallowed. "I don't want him dying just yet."
He stepped up close to the doc and offered his hand, a solemn offer of respect.
* * *
"Don't kill him." Gabe said, "We need him to learn where they took that other crate. This ain't over yet, not for us, and not for him."
He closed the door and sealed it, then went back to the cargo bay where Darren was putting on a right convincin' wail.
He put a few steps away from Darren and hit the door controls as the Alliance soldiers entered the airlock. He put his hands up and backed away as over a dozen soldiers marched in, sonic rifles aimed at every concievable hiding place. Behind the soldiers stepped the Magellan's captain, hands behind his back.
"Clear." Said one of the guards.
The captain turned to Gabe. "Are you in charge?"
"Sir," Gabe said, "I run this ship."
The captain stepped in close, holding up a device to Gabe's face. It flashed a picture and ran it through a network. "Captain... Han Solo?"
"That's me, sir." Gabe said.
"What happened here, Captain Solo?" The capatian asked.
"Raiders, sir." Gabe said, "I'm sure you saw it in your scanners - two ships - one hit us with EMP, the other boarded, took our cargo, killed one of my men-"
As if on cue, Darren's wailing reached a fevered pitch.
The captain glanced at Darren, one eye raised, "I ah, I'm sorry. For your loss."
Gabe leaned close, "Please sir, we never asked questions about those two, they seemed right happy."
The captain nodded, "I'm sure they were. Any other casualties?"
"No sir." Gabe said, "We're in decent shape, but we lost our cargo..."
"I see you still have two more crates." The captain said. A soldier stepped forward and opened one.
"Goods," Gabe said, "From Regina, bound for Persephone."
The captain looked in and pulled out a handful of Fruity Oaty Bars. He rose an eyebrow, then tossed the goods back in. "Never understood the popularity of these things."
"Nor I." Gabe said, "I just mean to ship 'em."
The captain stepped back to Gabe again, "Again, my apologies for your loss, captain. Regina, you said you were from?"
"Yessir." Gabe said, "Not more than three hours out."
The captain nodded, "Regina is under lockdown. My ship was en-route. Apparently there's a riot in progress."
"A riot?" Gabe asked, "Regina was peaceful as puppies when we left."
Bluff Check: 13
Captain's Sense Motive: 11
The captain shrugged, "The captain put the whole planet under lockdown, they're looking for some fugitive, beat up a few local officers."
Gabe made an exasperated sigh, "Some folk just have no respect for law."
"Indeed." The captain said, he looked around again, then looked into his device, "Understand, Captain, we would go after the men who did this, but for the trouble in Regina-"
"I understand," Gabe said, "The rest of my people are in good health. I'll get 'em to Persephone."
The captain chewed his lip, then waved his men back into the airlocks, "Again, I apologize, Captain Solo." He said, "I wish we'd met under better circumstances. We don't meet as many civilized folk in these parts. Not anymore."
Gabe nodded, "Thank you for comin' to help us when you did. It's good to know the Alliance is still there for us."
The captain nodded, then stepped into the airlock. Gabe hit the controls and the airlock hatch closed. When the men were gone from his ship, he sighed, leaning against the wall.
He looked at the doctor, who had stopped crying, then turned to the comm. "Jesse, we clear?"
"Yessir, they're leaving." Jesse said.
"Good. Keep us on course for Persephone for now." Gabe said, "Lets get you to medical, doc. First you, then Eddie. I want him healthy for-" He paused, swallowed. "I don't want him dying just yet."
He stepped up close to the doc and offered his hand, a solemn offer of respect.
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Minerva only laughed softly as she looked over the thruster controls. Everything looked good but there was some minor damage that would have to be repaired once they reached planetside.
"Well, I'm sure gettin' a woman who breaths and does all of the normal functions one does is more whatcha lookin' for, right, Studly?" Minerva teased as she finished up her work.
"Besides, they cost less. Save those Companion types."
Darren wailed all throughout the exchange with the Alliance captain, his acting classes back on Ariel finally paying off. However, he was more than tempted to call out the deceit to the Alliance captain and maybe that would have got him a ride off of this damned ship.
As the Alliance captain headed back into the airlock and left the Redemption, the doctor quit wailing and whipped away the fake tears from his red rimmed eyes. He was still weak from the gunshot and he could feel the bullet was still inside him. As the captain offered his hand, Darren took it and pulled himself to his feet. He instantly felt dizzy and had to lean on Gabriel for support.
"Let's get to medical and I'll take care of my wound and that of Eddie. Just promise me that you plan on putting the hurt on that bastard..."
"Well, I'm sure gettin' a woman who breaths and does all of the normal functions one does is more whatcha lookin' for, right, Studly?" Minerva teased as she finished up her work.
"Besides, they cost less. Save those Companion types."
Darren wailed all throughout the exchange with the Alliance captain, his acting classes back on Ariel finally paying off. However, he was more than tempted to call out the deceit to the Alliance captain and maybe that would have got him a ride off of this damned ship.
As the Alliance captain headed back into the airlock and left the Redemption, the doctor quit wailing and whipped away the fake tears from his red rimmed eyes. He was still weak from the gunshot and he could feel the bullet was still inside him. As the captain offered his hand, Darren took it and pulled himself to his feet. He instantly felt dizzy and had to lean on Gabriel for support.
"Let's get to medical and I'll take care of my wound and that of Eddie. Just promise me that you plan on putting the hurt on that bastard..."
Lincoln set his wrench down, his eyes wistful, "Ah, companions. Le sex d'arte. But then they're all oh, I understand your feelings and oh, lemme comfort you on the cares and woes of your life and then they're all oops, there goes your hour. Please get off, you smell of fermented goat cheese. No thanks."
* * *
Gabe helped Darren onto the medical bed/chair. "Nurse Williams." He said.
The auto-doc arm swivled in his direction, "Good evening," It said, in a warm female voice, "How can I be of assistance?"
"You've got your patient." Gabe said to it, "Diagnose and assist him in self-surgery."
The arm turned towards Darren, "I am not programmed to allow an injured patient to treat his own wounds. Please lay back, I will assist you to the best of my abilities."
Nurse Williams' Heal check: 12
"Kinda ironic," Gabe said, scratching his jaw, "You get on this boat as a doctor and you're the first man who needs it."
He turned and stepped into the hall quickly, unsealing and opening the storage room, "My hunch was right. They were headed for Regina, and they knew all about some shmuck beatin' officers in Kentucky City. They so much as spot you, Val, and you're bound by law. Be wary of that."
He stepped back to let Val out and went to the med-bay comm, "Jesse, how are we?"
"A-okay for now, captain." Jesse said, "No ill effects from the emp, anyways."
"Good, come on down to medical." He said.
* * *
Gabe helped Darren onto the medical bed/chair. "Nurse Williams." He said.
The auto-doc arm swivled in his direction, "Good evening," It said, in a warm female voice, "How can I be of assistance?"
"You've got your patient." Gabe said to it, "Diagnose and assist him in self-surgery."
The arm turned towards Darren, "I am not programmed to allow an injured patient to treat his own wounds. Please lay back, I will assist you to the best of my abilities."
Nurse Williams' Heal check: 12
"Kinda ironic," Gabe said, scratching his jaw, "You get on this boat as a doctor and you're the first man who needs it."
He turned and stepped into the hall quickly, unsealing and opening the storage room, "My hunch was right. They were headed for Regina, and they knew all about some shmuck beatin' officers in Kentucky City. They so much as spot you, Val, and you're bound by law. Be wary of that."
He stepped back to let Val out and went to the med-bay comm, "Jesse, how are we?"
"A-okay for now, captain." Jesse said, "No ill effects from the emp, anyways."
"Good, come on down to medical." He said.
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Valiant could only nod as the captain released him from the storage room.
"I don't plan on being caught." He said as he dragged the still unconscious Eddie.
"I don't plan on being caught." He said as he dragged the still unconscious Eddie.
Last edited by Chris McCoy on Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Minerva rolled her eyes as Lincoln went on and on by companions. She wiped off her hands, which were grimy with various engine substances, and looked at Lincoln sternly.
"You know somethin', Studly? You got a lot to learn about women. Most of 'em actually care about men's feelings. The good men, anyways. A good friend of mine is a Companion. She be carin' what her clients feelin' and she wants 'em to feel wanted. Not everythings about sex, you know."
She tossed the rag into a nearby wastebin and headed up to the nearby shower. She needed a good scrubbing...and hoped the door had a lock since Lincoln would no doubt want to be the one doing the scrubbing.
Darren watched as the auto-doc did a decent job of removing the bullet and patching up the wound. As soon as "Nurse Williams" was finished, Darren moved away from the patient's chair and went into his nearby doctor's bag. He began routing around and pulled out a needle and thread, some sterilizing materials, and a mirror. He pulled out the clumsy stitching the auto-doc had done and began to do a much more professional job.
Healing Check: 20
"Of course it would be me that is the first one wounded. I have an unfortunate disadvantage when it comes to dealing with people from the Rim worlds. I've never dealt with them before. I am quickly learning how to though, as it seems the gun speaks first and the diplomacy comes later in the form of punching someone in the mouth." Darren muttered as Gabriel was leaving the room to fetch the wounded Eddie.
He looked at Gabe as he brought in the battered Eddie and instructed him to put him on the patient bed. He then began to work on Eddie with Valiant nearby, his magnum focused in on the head of the traitor.
Healing Check: 21
"You know somethin', Studly? You got a lot to learn about women. Most of 'em actually care about men's feelings. The good men, anyways. A good friend of mine is a Companion. She be carin' what her clients feelin' and she wants 'em to feel wanted. Not everythings about sex, you know."
She tossed the rag into a nearby wastebin and headed up to the nearby shower. She needed a good scrubbing...and hoped the door had a lock since Lincoln would no doubt want to be the one doing the scrubbing.
Darren watched as the auto-doc did a decent job of removing the bullet and patching up the wound. As soon as "Nurse Williams" was finished, Darren moved away from the patient's chair and went into his nearby doctor's bag. He began routing around and pulled out a needle and thread, some sterilizing materials, and a mirror. He pulled out the clumsy stitching the auto-doc had done and began to do a much more professional job.
Healing Check: 20
"Of course it would be me that is the first one wounded. I have an unfortunate disadvantage when it comes to dealing with people from the Rim worlds. I've never dealt with them before. I am quickly learning how to though, as it seems the gun speaks first and the diplomacy comes later in the form of punching someone in the mouth." Darren muttered as Gabriel was leaving the room to fetch the wounded Eddie.
He looked at Gabe as he brought in the battered Eddie and instructed him to put him on the patient bed. He then began to work on Eddie with Valiant nearby, his magnum focused in on the head of the traitor.
Healing Check: 21
Lincoln leaned his head to the side to get a full view of Minerva's behind as she walked away, a big grin on his face. "I know all I wanna know." He said, snorting.
* * *
Jesse passed Minerva as the two headed in opposite directions. "Way to go with the engines, Minerva." She said with a smile, "You saved all our butts."
* * *
Gabe stood with Val and watched Miller work on Eddie, patching up his ribs and giving him a rebreather to clear his lungs of the tear gas.
"Let your profession be your guide, doc." Gabe said, "I know he shot you, but he won't be the last, and sometimes you gotta deal with that fact and keep smiling, even at the one that did it to you."
He turned to Val. "We need to learn where those raiders went. We're on a deadline, and MacGruder promised all three to be delivered on time tomorrow evening. That means we have them on Persephone, or we run to the very edge of the 'verse and hope it's enough."
Jesse entered med-bay from the cargo bay. "How's everything? Oh, Eddie got hurt?" She stepped forward but Gabe put his hand on her shoulder.
"Yes, and it's his own fault." Gabe said, "He went and sold us out to those raiders. Probably for a tiny chunk of the pie."
Jesse gave Gabe a look. "You know, I could have told you he was gonna try something like that someday."
Gabe only shrugged. "How long to Persephone?"
"Seven hours." Jesse said, "Barring any more raiders."
"They won't come back. The Alliance shows, all the rats scurry away and stay there long after the shadow's left." Gabe said, "But now that leaves us with plenty of time to get to the bottom of this. I hope.
"Doc," Gabe continued, "Can you give him a shot of novocaine? To his right leg."
"What are you planning?" Jesse asked.
Gabe looked at her. Then he looked at her legs intently.
"Hey!" She said, "Eyes up here, buster."
"Do you wax, or shave?" Gabe asked.
* * *
Jesse passed Minerva as the two headed in opposite directions. "Way to go with the engines, Minerva." She said with a smile, "You saved all our butts."
* * *
Gabe stood with Val and watched Miller work on Eddie, patching up his ribs and giving him a rebreather to clear his lungs of the tear gas.
"Let your profession be your guide, doc." Gabe said, "I know he shot you, but he won't be the last, and sometimes you gotta deal with that fact and keep smiling, even at the one that did it to you."
He turned to Val. "We need to learn where those raiders went. We're on a deadline, and MacGruder promised all three to be delivered on time tomorrow evening. That means we have them on Persephone, or we run to the very edge of the 'verse and hope it's enough."
Jesse entered med-bay from the cargo bay. "How's everything? Oh, Eddie got hurt?" She stepped forward but Gabe put his hand on her shoulder.
"Yes, and it's his own fault." Gabe said, "He went and sold us out to those raiders. Probably for a tiny chunk of the pie."
Jesse gave Gabe a look. "You know, I could have told you he was gonna try something like that someday."
Gabe only shrugged. "How long to Persephone?"
"Seven hours." Jesse said, "Barring any more raiders."
"They won't come back. The Alliance shows, all the rats scurry away and stay there long after the shadow's left." Gabe said, "But now that leaves us with plenty of time to get to the bottom of this. I hope.
"Doc," Gabe continued, "Can you give him a shot of novocaine? To his right leg."
"What are you planning?" Jesse asked.
Gabe looked at her. Then he looked at her legs intently.
"Hey!" She said, "Eyes up here, buster."
"Do you wax, or shave?" Gabe asked.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Minerva smiled to Jesse as she walked past and gave her a quick nod.
"Just doin' my job." And with that, she headed into the shower for a few moments of pure, refreshing bliss that only a nice hot shower after a long day's work could bring.
Darren worked quickly and efficiently, pulling on his doctor's training and all that he had learned to help get Eddie awake and breathing again.
As much as he wanted to simply let the man die, Darren couldn't bring himself to do it.
And it wasn't the captain's orders to keep him alive that were preventing from doing so.
Valiant gave the captain a quick nod and said, "I'll head up to the bridge and see if we can track 'em down with the scanners. Anything else before I head up, sir?"
Darren half listened to what Jesse and Gabriel were talking about and when the captain asked him to put a shot of novocaine into Eddie, he had an idea of what he was planning.
Darren removed the pre-loaded shot from its packaging and inserted it right into his patient's leg, not being the most gentle about it either.
This brought a grin to the young doctor's face.
"Just doin' my job." And with that, she headed into the shower for a few moments of pure, refreshing bliss that only a nice hot shower after a long day's work could bring.
Darren worked quickly and efficiently, pulling on his doctor's training and all that he had learned to help get Eddie awake and breathing again.
As much as he wanted to simply let the man die, Darren couldn't bring himself to do it.
And it wasn't the captain's orders to keep him alive that were preventing from doing so.
Valiant gave the captain a quick nod and said, "I'll head up to the bridge and see if we can track 'em down with the scanners. Anything else before I head up, sir?"
Darren half listened to what Jesse and Gabriel were talking about and when the captain asked him to put a shot of novocaine into Eddie, he had an idea of what he was planning.
Darren removed the pre-loaded shot from its packaging and inserted it right into his patient's leg, not being the most gentle about it either.
This brought a grin to the young doctor's face.
Gabe shook his head, "Not right now. Anything we can use to find that ship, we use it. Go on." He waved Val off.
* * *
Eddie came slowly to consciousness. He recalled... the sky was falling. Then nothing.
He opened his eyes slowly, a bright light was shining down on him. He was reminded of dentist chairs and the sound of high-speed tooth drills. He winced, and tried to recoil, but found himself bound to the chair tightly. He was almost nude, only wearing his underpants, and the chair was configured so his head was tilted far back, and his legs were bent at the knee. He couldn't see his legs past the kneecap.
"Where am I?" He wheezed. His chest hurt again, and he winced in pain, "Where am I?"
A shadow appeared behind the light. "Vy isportili, Eddie."
Eddie swallowed. "Gabe? That you."
"Gabriel Ne zdes." The shadow said, it moved away from the light and stood at Eddie's foot.
"C'mon, Gabe, this isn't funny." Eddie said, "C'mon, I... I didn't mean to... listen, it was all their idea!"
The shadow moved away from Eddie's legs and came to stand at Eddie's left.
"It's true!" Eddie said, "They, they blackmailed me! With... with my wife!"
The shadow leaned forward. Gabe's face loomed over Eddie's. His eyes were cold, so dead they looked gray.
"You've been a plokhojj mal'chik, Eddie." Gabe said, "And does your wife know about your companion friend?"
Gabe stepped back over to Eddie's legs. Eddie felt... something. Not a sensation of touch, but the sensation of knowing he was being touched without feeling it.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked.
Gabe looked up at him. "Eddie..." Gabe said, "I'm going to ask you a single question. If you don't give me the answer with the next words you speak, I will do things to you that will make you regret your wicked life. ponjatv?"
He stepped up close to Eddie again, his face took in Eddie's world. "Where did your buddies take my cargo?"
Eddie let out a shuddered breath, "Gabe, please, you gotta believe me."
Gabe sighed, he patted Eddie's chest. "That wasn't the answer, Eddie." He walked back to Eddie's legs.
"You might have noticed you can't feel anything from your thigh down." Gabe said, and Eddie realized in the saying that he couldn't, "I asked the doc to give you a shot. You know, the doc you shot? He was gracious enough to keep you alive so I could have this talk with you."
"I asked him to do this because, I happen to believe that pain interferes with two men having a proper conversation." Gabe said, he held up a bloody scalpel, "And I needed to get some cuts in before we started having this talk. Couldn't have you screamin' through it all. You can now, if you like."
Eddie saw the knife, and his heart started pounding against his aching ribs.
Gabe put the scalpel away. "You see, the whole point of this kind of... work... isn't to inflict pain. No. It's to create a psychological effect in the subject, to get him to become submissive and succeptible to our needs. And I need to know where that ship went, Eddie. Where did it go with my cargo?"
"No, please, you don't have to do this." Eddie said, "Gabe, come on, you've known me for years! Please!"
Gabe sighed again, "That wasn't the answer, Eddie." He did something to Eddie's leg, "When I was young, we went rabbit hunting on St. Albans-"
"My dad showed me how, when we caught a rabbit..."
"You have to skin it by cutting along and around the body-"
"And then, one good yank-"
Gabriel yanked, and from his world, Eddie's mind knew his skin had just been torn free from his foot, every last scrap.
* * *
Jesse leaned back in the pilot's chair, leaning to the side, "What do you think the captain is up to?" She asked Val.
* * *
Eddie came slowly to consciousness. He recalled... the sky was falling. Then nothing.
He opened his eyes slowly, a bright light was shining down on him. He was reminded of dentist chairs and the sound of high-speed tooth drills. He winced, and tried to recoil, but found himself bound to the chair tightly. He was almost nude, only wearing his underpants, and the chair was configured so his head was tilted far back, and his legs were bent at the knee. He couldn't see his legs past the kneecap.
"Where am I?" He wheezed. His chest hurt again, and he winced in pain, "Where am I?"
A shadow appeared behind the light. "Vy isportili, Eddie."
Eddie swallowed. "Gabe? That you."
"Gabriel Ne zdes." The shadow said, it moved away from the light and stood at Eddie's foot.
"C'mon, Gabe, this isn't funny." Eddie said, "C'mon, I... I didn't mean to... listen, it was all their idea!"
The shadow moved away from Eddie's legs and came to stand at Eddie's left.
"It's true!" Eddie said, "They, they blackmailed me! With... with my wife!"
The shadow leaned forward. Gabe's face loomed over Eddie's. His eyes were cold, so dead they looked gray.
"You've been a plokhojj mal'chik, Eddie." Gabe said, "And does your wife know about your companion friend?"
Gabe stepped back over to Eddie's legs. Eddie felt... something. Not a sensation of touch, but the sensation of knowing he was being touched without feeling it.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked.
Gabe looked up at him. "Eddie..." Gabe said, "I'm going to ask you a single question. If you don't give me the answer with the next words you speak, I will do things to you that will make you regret your wicked life. ponjatv?"
He stepped up close to Eddie again, his face took in Eddie's world. "Where did your buddies take my cargo?"
Eddie let out a shuddered breath, "Gabe, please, you gotta believe me."
Gabe sighed, he patted Eddie's chest. "That wasn't the answer, Eddie." He walked back to Eddie's legs.
"You might have noticed you can't feel anything from your thigh down." Gabe said, and Eddie realized in the saying that he couldn't, "I asked the doc to give you a shot. You know, the doc you shot? He was gracious enough to keep you alive so I could have this talk with you."
"I asked him to do this because, I happen to believe that pain interferes with two men having a proper conversation." Gabe said, he held up a bloody scalpel, "And I needed to get some cuts in before we started having this talk. Couldn't have you screamin' through it all. You can now, if you like."
Eddie saw the knife, and his heart started pounding against his aching ribs.
Gabe put the scalpel away. "You see, the whole point of this kind of... work... isn't to inflict pain. No. It's to create a psychological effect in the subject, to get him to become submissive and succeptible to our needs. And I need to know where that ship went, Eddie. Where did it go with my cargo?"
"No, please, you don't have to do this." Eddie said, "Gabe, come on, you've known me for years! Please!"
Gabe sighed again, "That wasn't the answer, Eddie." He did something to Eddie's leg, "When I was young, we went rabbit hunting on St. Albans-"
"My dad showed me how, when we caught a rabbit..."
"You have to skin it by cutting along and around the body-"
"And then, one good yank-"
Gabriel yanked, and from his world, Eddie's mind knew his skin had just been torn free from his foot, every last scrap.
* * *
Jesse leaned back in the pilot's chair, leaning to the side, "What do you think the captain is up to?" She asked Val.
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Valiant leaned into the glow of the scanner screens, looking for any trace of the raiders' signal.
He could see the departing glow trail of the Alliance cruiser, a bright white streak against the blackness of the void.
"What do you think the captain is up to?" Jesse asked.
Valiant didn't look up but kept searching the scanners for the distinctive ping of their navigation beacons.
"Probably something we don't want to know about." was his only reply as he kept looking.
"We just need to worry about finding where that cargo went or we don't get paid. It's as simple as that."
Valiant leaned into the glow of the scanner screens, looking for any trace of the raiders' signal.
He could see the departing glow trail of the Alliance cruiser, a bright white streak against the blackness of the void.
"What do you think the captain is up to?" Jesse asked.
Valiant didn't look up but kept searching the scanners for the distinctive ping of their navigation beacons.
"Probably something we don't want to know about." was his only reply as he kept looking.
"We just need to worry about finding where that cargo went or we don't get paid. It's as simple as that."
"Probably something we don't want to know about." Val said.
Jesse sighed and went back to staring at space. She wasn't much for tracking nav beacons and thruster emissions.
* * *
Eddie was crying. He couldn't find the power to scream with his ribs feeling like they did, so he just sobbed. He regretted it all - the betrayal, the betrayals he'd committed through his life to his employers, his friends, his family. He had no one, and what had it all given him? No easy life, no reward. He was strapped to this chair, and he was being skinned alive. So he cried, lamenting his failed life.
Gabe came around again, wiping his hands clean on a rag, "You've been a lot of help, Eddie. I'm sorry it had to happen like this. But here's what I'll do for you in return." He set the cloth aside and leaned forward, "When we get to Persephone, we'll leave you in the care of the St. Germaine monastery. The shepherds there will nurse you back to health, maybe get you a nice prosthetic sleeve for your leg, individual toes and all. In gratitude for their care, you're going to become a monk, Eddie. You're going to shave your head, live in the mountains, and ponder the Buddha's teachings for the rest of your life, and you will die old and happy with a life of positive reflection. Dong ma?"
Eddie sniffed. "I'll do anything you s-s-say-hay..."
Gabe smiled sadly and patted Eddie's chest. "I know you will, Eddie."
He picked something up from a table near Eddie's feet. Eddie saw a flash of hair and skin-color and he winced, turning away from what he was certain was his skin. "The doc will be in to patch you up. We're not gonna let you go until we get to the monastery, understood?"
Eddie nodded. "I underst-tand."
"Good." Gabe opened the door and stepped out of the storage room. When he closed the door behind him he let out a long, shuddering sigh and thumped his head against the wall. His hands were shaking.
He turned and saw Miller standing in the doorway to Medical. "Wait a few minutes," He said to the doctor, "Then go in and wrap his entire foot up from the shin like you're wrapping up somethin' skinless. Don't untie him. We'll drop him off after we get our cargo back. Give him water if he needs it, food if he asks. I don't think we'll get any more trouble from him."
Jesse sighed and went back to staring at space. She wasn't much for tracking nav beacons and thruster emissions.
* * *
Eddie was crying. He couldn't find the power to scream with his ribs feeling like they did, so he just sobbed. He regretted it all - the betrayal, the betrayals he'd committed through his life to his employers, his friends, his family. He had no one, and what had it all given him? No easy life, no reward. He was strapped to this chair, and he was being skinned alive. So he cried, lamenting his failed life.
Gabe came around again, wiping his hands clean on a rag, "You've been a lot of help, Eddie. I'm sorry it had to happen like this. But here's what I'll do for you in return." He set the cloth aside and leaned forward, "When we get to Persephone, we'll leave you in the care of the St. Germaine monastery. The shepherds there will nurse you back to health, maybe get you a nice prosthetic sleeve for your leg, individual toes and all. In gratitude for their care, you're going to become a monk, Eddie. You're going to shave your head, live in the mountains, and ponder the Buddha's teachings for the rest of your life, and you will die old and happy with a life of positive reflection. Dong ma?"
Eddie sniffed. "I'll do anything you s-s-say-hay..."
Gabe smiled sadly and patted Eddie's chest. "I know you will, Eddie."
He picked something up from a table near Eddie's feet. Eddie saw a flash of hair and skin-color and he winced, turning away from what he was certain was his skin. "The doc will be in to patch you up. We're not gonna let you go until we get to the monastery, understood?"
Eddie nodded. "I underst-tand."
"Good." Gabe opened the door and stepped out of the storage room. When he closed the door behind him he let out a long, shuddering sigh and thumped his head against the wall. His hands were shaking.
He turned and saw Miller standing in the doorway to Medical. "Wait a few minutes," He said to the doctor, "Then go in and wrap his entire foot up from the shin like you're wrapping up somethin' skinless. Don't untie him. We'll drop him off after we get our cargo back. Give him water if he needs it, food if he asks. I don't think we'll get any more trouble from him."
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Darren looked at the captain, his mouth slightly agape.
"What did you do to him?" he asked, not waiting for a response as he headed into the medical lab.
What Darren saw almost made his stomach empty its contents in the wastebasket.
When he went to heave into the waste basket, it was what he saw in there that made him lose his protein patties.
After a few moments of throwing up, Darren looked at the still weeping Eddie and gave him a sympathetic look.
Then, Darren remembered he had shot him. This bastard had shot him!
"You deserve what you got." Darren whispered as he went about wrapping up the sobbing man's leg.
"You deserved..." his voice trailed off as he finished wrapping the leg and took a seat next to Eddie.
"What have we gotten ourselves into...?"
"What did you do to him?" he asked, not waiting for a response as he headed into the medical lab.
What Darren saw almost made his stomach empty its contents in the wastebasket.
When he went to heave into the waste basket, it was what he saw in there that made him lose his protein patties.
After a few moments of throwing up, Darren looked at the still weeping Eddie and gave him a sympathetic look.
Then, Darren remembered he had shot him. This bastard had shot him!
"You deserve what you got." Darren whispered as he went about wrapping up the sobbing man's leg.
"You deserved..." his voice trailed off as he finished wrapping the leg and took a seat next to Eddie.
"What have we gotten ourselves into...?"
Gabe gave the doctor a sympathetic look, then continued on with the item in his hands, slightly cradled like a delicate fabric. He took the stairs up to the crew deck and wandered into the bridge. By then he was grinning.
He sauntered up behind Jesse and laid the item on her lap from behind. She took a look and let out a shouted, trying to jump away from him. She slapped at it and it became stuck to her hands.
"Guai-guai long de dong!" Jesse cried, shaking her hand to free herself of the strip. "What did you do?!"
Gabe caught her wrist and pulled the hair-covered muslin strip from her fingers. "Just gave him the purtiest calves on this ship, is all." He rolled the strip into a ball and tossed it at Val, "They took the goods to Persephone, apparently some Londinum wanker by the name of Badger procured the goods, they'll take 'em to a warehouse in Umbridge before they're shipped out to lord knows where. Jesse, if you can get us there fast enough, Val and I will be able to intercept before that crate gets gone for good."
Jesse stared at the muslin strip in disgust, "You waxed his legs?" She asked.
Gabe looked at her, a slightly haunted half-smile on his face, "Never underestimate the power hot wax has on a man. Hell, even the doc took it hard, caught up in the moment like he was..."
He sauntered up behind Jesse and laid the item on her lap from behind. She took a look and let out a shouted, trying to jump away from him. She slapped at it and it became stuck to her hands.
"Guai-guai long de dong!" Jesse cried, shaking her hand to free herself of the strip. "What did you do?!"
Gabe caught her wrist and pulled the hair-covered muslin strip from her fingers. "Just gave him the purtiest calves on this ship, is all." He rolled the strip into a ball and tossed it at Val, "They took the goods to Persephone, apparently some Londinum wanker by the name of Badger procured the goods, they'll take 'em to a warehouse in Umbridge before they're shipped out to lord knows where. Jesse, if you can get us there fast enough, Val and I will be able to intercept before that crate gets gone for good."
Jesse stared at the muslin strip in disgust, "You waxed his legs?" She asked.
Gabe looked at her, a slightly haunted half-smile on his face, "Never underestimate the power hot wax has on a man. Hell, even the doc took it hard, caught up in the moment like he was..."
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Act Two
Lincoln jumped when the cabin hatch opened, tossing his nudey mag aside violently as he sat up. Gabe strode in, followed by Val.
"Hey! Cap! Geez, you... ah, startled... me."
"Ain't anyone ever tell you all your dead relatives are watching while you do that?" Gabe asked, waking to Eddie's bunk in the corner and pulling his duffle bag onto the bed.
"What? Hey, no, I wasn't, I was just... resting." Lincoln said.
Gabe ignored him, he unzipped Eddie's satchel and started rooting through it. "Val, his clothes are probably in the big green bag in the closet, check those."
Gabe's Search Check: 8
Finding nothing but pornography and half-drank bottles of alcohol, Gabe pushed it aside, growling. He reached into his coat and drew out a long knife with a black metal punchguard and stabbed it into the mattress, yanking it violently across, exposing sweat-stained cotton within.
Lincoln stepped in closer, eyeing the porno-vids with one eye. "So, ah, whatcha looking for, cap?"
"Encrypted transmitter." Gabe said, "Saw Eddie makin' calls when we left, he was probably talkin' to someone. It could help us zero in on whoever's got my cargo."
Lincoln picked up a vid and his eyes went wide from the title alone, "Well, he probably hid it very well." He said, stuffing the vid into a pocket.
"Anything, Val?" Gabe asked.
[OOC: The Search check for Eddie's duffle bag is 10, Val.]
Lincoln jumped when the cabin hatch opened, tossing his nudey mag aside violently as he sat up. Gabe strode in, followed by Val.
"Hey! Cap! Geez, you... ah, startled... me."
"Ain't anyone ever tell you all your dead relatives are watching while you do that?" Gabe asked, waking to Eddie's bunk in the corner and pulling his duffle bag onto the bed.
"What? Hey, no, I wasn't, I was just... resting." Lincoln said.
Gabe ignored him, he unzipped Eddie's satchel and started rooting through it. "Val, his clothes are probably in the big green bag in the closet, check those."
Gabe's Search Check: 8
Finding nothing but pornography and half-drank bottles of alcohol, Gabe pushed it aside, growling. He reached into his coat and drew out a long knife with a black metal punchguard and stabbed it into the mattress, yanking it violently across, exposing sweat-stained cotton within.
Lincoln stepped in closer, eyeing the porno-vids with one eye. "So, ah, whatcha looking for, cap?"
"Encrypted transmitter." Gabe said, "Saw Eddie makin' calls when we left, he was probably talkin' to someone. It could help us zero in on whoever's got my cargo."
Lincoln picked up a vid and his eyes went wide from the title alone, "Well, he probably hid it very well." He said, stuffing the vid into a pocket.
"Anything, Val?" Gabe asked.
[OOC: The Search check for Eddie's duffle bag is 10, Val.]
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Valiant watched as the captain began to search through Eddie's bag and just rolled his eyes at Lincoln's lusty stare at the porno vids.
"You know, doing that will make your gorramn eyes cross." He muttered as he began to route through Eddie's clothes.
The clothes reeked of sweat, cheap booze, and even cheaper women. The man sure got around.
Search Check: 10 (Just barely...)
"Think I found it, captain."
"You know, doing that will make your gorramn eyes cross." He muttered as he began to route through Eddie's clothes.
The clothes reeked of sweat, cheap booze, and even cheaper women. The man sure got around.
Search Check: 10 (Just barely...)
"Think I found it, captain."
"Yeah right." Lincoln said, crossing his eyes a few times to test them.
From the pocket of a grease-stained pair of pants tumbled a small electronic device. Gabe stepped over to Val and picked it up.
"This could be it. Lincoln," Gabe said, "See what you can get out of this thing."
Lincoln sighed, "Yessir." He reached for it, but Gabe snatched his hand back.
"...Go wash your hands first." Gabe said.
"Oh c'mon cap-" Lincoln griped.
* * *
Lincoln's Hack Check: 22
Lincoln leaned back from his computer terminal, unplugging the device and holding it up to Gabe.
"Piece of cake." Lincoln said, "It's an encrypted transmitter, all right. But it's cheap. Enough to get by Redemption's tracers, but not me. Oh, and it's short-range, too. Probably used it just to communicate with the highwaymen."
"Anything else?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah," Lincoln gestured to the screen, "It had everything for the job, the coordinates for the ambush, and what looks like planetary grid coordinates for a landing. You really think they wouldn't leave this thing lying around?"
"They didn't expect us to recover so soon, and I'm betting they weren't expecting Eddie to be so talkative. After a fashion." Gabe turned to Val, "We go in, there's probably gonna be more of them than us. Any ideas?"
From the pocket of a grease-stained pair of pants tumbled a small electronic device. Gabe stepped over to Val and picked it up.
"This could be it. Lincoln," Gabe said, "See what you can get out of this thing."
Lincoln sighed, "Yessir." He reached for it, but Gabe snatched his hand back.
"...Go wash your hands first." Gabe said.
"Oh c'mon cap-" Lincoln griped.
* * *
Lincoln's Hack Check: 22
Lincoln leaned back from his computer terminal, unplugging the device and holding it up to Gabe.
"Piece of cake." Lincoln said, "It's an encrypted transmitter, all right. But it's cheap. Enough to get by Redemption's tracers, but not me. Oh, and it's short-range, too. Probably used it just to communicate with the highwaymen."
"Anything else?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah," Lincoln gestured to the screen, "It had everything for the job, the coordinates for the ambush, and what looks like planetary grid coordinates for a landing. You really think they wouldn't leave this thing lying around?"
"They didn't expect us to recover so soon, and I'm betting they weren't expecting Eddie to be so talkative. After a fashion." Gabe turned to Val, "We go in, there's probably gonna be more of them than us. Any ideas?"
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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"Hmmm...well, since we know this is going to be a surprise attack on our end, we should use that to our advantage. I know for a fact that you can handle your own in a gunfight and I think I have some skill left in these old bones. But, what about the others? I'd like to get to know how well our crew fights before we go blasting in with guns ablazing, don't you think, sir?" Val said, rubbing the two days' worth of stubble on his face.
"Then again, there is always a little bit of trickery...We still do have Eddie..."
"Then again, there is always a little bit of trickery...We still do have Eddie..."
Gabe scratched his jaw. "Not a bad idea, I've got a few layers of insulation, should make for a good target range in the cargo bay. But if I can help it, I'd rather just you and me be the only ones taking to a gunfight. Not that I'm the protective type, but I'd rather not have to deal with one of my own shooting themselves, or worse, me in the foot, you know what I mean?"
"But what about Eddie? You think we can use him? He's a bit simperin' right now. Can't reckon he'll get any better for a long time." Gabe said.
"But what about Eddie? You think we can use him? He's a bit simperin' right now. Can't reckon he'll get any better for a long time." Gabe said.
- Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Valiant nodded. "Well, we can at least see how they measure up. Otherwise, I suggest we put that cannon we have on top of this boat to good use if we set down within range of them. Put one of the crew up there while the two of us provide some more accurate forms of killing."
He looked over at Jesse. "You know how to use a fireiron?"
He looked over at Jesse. "You know how to use a fireiron?"
Jesse put her hands up, "I'm not gun-runner. You shoot them yourself."
Gabe shook his head, and took the comm, "Everyone into the cargo bay." He sighed and looked at Val, "Guess we seperate the men from the models."
Jesse flashed a glare at Gabe, but he ignored it.
"Come on," Gabe said to Val, "Those plates of insulation are heavy."
Gabe shook his head, and took the comm, "Everyone into the cargo bay." He sighed and looked at Val, "Guess we seperate the men from the models."
Jesse flashed a glare at Gabe, but he ignored it.
"Come on," Gabe said to Val, "Those plates of insulation are heavy."