Here's my first run at a Goodman-style stat block for 4E. It's based on the Kobold Skirmisher that has been released from DDE.
Okay, I tried to incorporate elements of the current stat block as much as I could. Obviously, I'm still not sure what info will absolutely need to be shown. I think the Combat Advantage entry is one that will likely change with each type of monster or NPC, so we might have to keep that. As for the others, we'll just have to wait and see.Kobold Skirmisher: XP 100; Level 1 Skirmisher; Small natural humanoid; HP 27; Bloodied 13; Initiative +5; Senses Perception +0, darkvision; Speed 6; AC 15, Fort 11, Ref 14, Will 13; Melee spear (standard, at will) +6 vs. AC (1d8 damage); Special mob attack, shifty, trap sense; AL Evil; Languages Draconic; Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +10, Thievery +10; Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3), Wis 10 (+0), Con 11 (+0), Int 6 (-2), Cha 15 (+2); Equipment: hide armor, light shield, spear.
Combat Advantage: The kobold skirmisher deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.
Mob Attack: The kobold skirmisher gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.
Shifty (minor, at will): The kobold shifts 1 square as a minor action.
Trap Sense: The kobold gains a +2 bonus on all defenses against traps.
This is, of course, just a very rough draft, but I wanted to start getting an idea of what a 4E stat block is going to look like. The thing I find a bit disappointing is that if we are forced to use a stat block like the one above, we're not really saving any space or word count versus 3.5. A 3.5 kobold warrior would actually have a much smaller stat block.
Let me know what you guys think; there are many, many, many more refinements to come, I have no doubt.