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Private forum for DragonMech Battles development.

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Check in here!

Post by mythfish »

Greetings playtesters!

Playtesting will hopefully get underway soon. In the meantime, playtesters will be trickling into this super-secret forum area where we will discuss super-secret playtesting stuff. This thread is for you to introduce yourselves to everyone, and to check in so we know who's here and who isn't.

So...your name, if you've had previous experience with the DragonMech RPG or the Battletech tabletop game, and 2 random vaguely interesting things about you. I'll start.

I'm Dieter. I currently live in Xenia, OH. I've played in several DM campaigns and had some stuff published. I also perform at renaissance faires, and I despise almost all vegetables.

Your turn.
Dieter Zimmerman
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Post by walrusjester »

I'm Matt. I live in Waterloo, IA. I've written for every DragonMech book that wasn't a solo Joseph Goodman effort, and I've been the DragonMech line developer for nearly that long. If you wonder about my BattleTech chops, let me show you the 30-odd mechs I've created for it, or the pages of optional weapons and equipment, or the 10 session campaign I wrote...

Ahem. Two things. I used to voice commercials for a local TV station, and I wrote some d20 stuff that ended up in Monte Cook's "Year's Best" series.
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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Post by goodmangames »

I'm Joseph, a guy who loves games that involve things shooting at each other!
Joseph Goodman
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Post by walrusjester »

goodmangames wrote:I'm Joseph, a guy who loves games that involve things shooting at each other!
That's only one thing...
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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Post by khshea »

My name's Kevin, and I live in Omaha. I have not designed anything at all for DragonMech or Goodman Games, but I've been designing RPG systems to play with my friends since I was in high school. I've played Battletech a number of times. I've never played in the DragonMech RPG setting.

I have a career in computer technical support, but I have a BFA in Illustration. I'm the Kevin listed in the playtesting credits of Matt's Complete Guide to Rakshasa.
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Post by goodmangames »

Hello Kevin! Welcome to the boards...
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
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Post by zamzow »

I'm Mateo.
I live in Las Vegas.

Along with a few others here, I had a hand in writing
Dragon Mech:Steam Warriors.

I have never finished a game of Battletech.
Nor has my wife.
But we've both played DragonMech Battles.
two hours after I explained to her how a hex-map works, she handed me my mechanized butt. Take from that what you will.
Last edited by zamzow on Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by walrusjester »

zamzow wrote: I have never finished a game of Battletech.
Nor has my wife.
But we've both played DragonMech Battles.
two hours after I explained to her how a hex-map works, she handed me my mechanized butt. Take from that what you will.
Two questions leap to mind - how easy (or hard) was it for her to understand the game? And what did she like about it?
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
Ken Hart
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Post by Ken Hart »

Hi, I'm Ken, and I've happily served as editor on every DragonMech release aside from the core book. (And even on that one, I tossed in a couple of last-minute "unofficial" edits.)

I've never played Battletech, however.

I have an insanely detailed knowledge of movie and TV trivia, much to the concern of my wife. Because of my successful Melrose Place humor site, I was legally threatened by Spelling Entertainment in 1997, and the resulting coverage led to a favorable profile of me (with photo!) in Time Magazine in 1997. (Brad Pitt was on the cover, but hey, we know what the big story was...)

DCC, DragonMech, Etherscope editor
Writer: "Madness at the Mutilated Oak," DCC #48: The Adventure Continues;
DCC #52: Chronicle of the Fiend

"It really is the height of pessimism to have a hat lined with chain mail." --Mrs. Peel
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Post by goodmangames »

Welcome back Ken! I'm sure those Time editors had your story as the alternate for the cover photo. ;)
Joseph Goodman
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Post by Mouse »

Hi all,

My name is Erica and I have signifigantly less credits and accolades then all of you. But I love games, and I love gaming. :D

I suppose my greatest achievement is being a Tournament DM for the DCC (for the last 3 years). I've done some playetesting for other companies and a lot of demo-ing stuff. I had a few pictures make it into the Gen-Con year book last year (do to their extreme age, and the fact that I have been going to Gen Con for far too long). My most notable no-lifer accomplishment was becoming 248th in the world in Magic the Gathering. :oops:

If suppose if I had a super-hero identity it would probably be Playtester-Girl, or Demo-Lass. 8)

Other than that I love Battletech. I have played lots and lots of Battletech. I am pretty good at tactical games (I can even play Star Fleet Battles, if any of you remember that overcomplicated yet cool game), and I love watching guys get really pissed off when they "lose to a girl". :wink:

I am very excited about this. I have a good feel for rules, and a good core of people around me to help me out.

My boyfriend Andy (who will sign on later), has lots of accredidations to his name and helped sculpt some of the DCC mini line.

Thats all for now


PS we had a DragonMech campaign for a while, and I have read all the DragonMech books.
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Post by mythfish »

Mouse wrote: If suppose if I had a super-hero identity it would probably be Playtester-Girl, or Demo-Lass. 8)

I have a good feel for rules, and a good core of people around me to help me out.
You sound like exactly the sort of person we want. Welcome aboard!
Dieter Zimmerman
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Post by majorplatypus »

Hi, I'm Andy, the aforementioned boyfriend of Erica...

I'm primarily an illustrator and a sculptor by trade. I run my own website,, where I sell all the cool things I make. I sculpted a few of the DCC mini's, and also some for Magnificent Egos (most notably the Kobolds Ate My Baby! line). I have artwork in a number of the world's less popular little games, and also have done some comics work in the past. My latest big independent project has been Bendy Dungeon Walls, which some of you may remember from Gen Con.

I also have done some writing for comics and other things. I even wrote/designed a couple games: Monsters! A giant monster battlegame (which was published) and Tankity, a silly sci-fi tank fighting game (which was not).

I played battletech from when it was battledroids, all the way up until the clans came out and destroyed the balance of the game. I still love a good game of old-school battletech.

Erica ran a Dragonmech campaign for a while for us, and I even sculpted a very cool mini of my character Codger the Coglayer. Of course, right when I finished it, Codger got killed, and then the campaign ended. :/

Good to meet everyone, and I'm excited to be a part of this project!!

-Andrew Barlow
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Post by mythfish »

majorplatypus wrote:My latest big independent project has been Bendy Dungeon Walls, which some of you may remember from Gen Con.
I do remember the bendy dungeon walls! One of those things that made me go "Genius! Why didn't anyone think of that before?" Nice to have you here!
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]

New to DragonMech

Post by harleqwn »

Hi, I'm David.

I'm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where I work as an artist for a local newspaper.

I've been gaming for about 20 years and played Battletech once and ran screaming away from the experience and vowed never to play it again. However, I fell in love with many of the game books for some reason and still have them.

I hope to get some actual playtesting done in the next couple of weeks and post results.

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Post by walrusjester »

Howdy! Glad you joined us. It would be neat if we ended up with a game that plays well in the "ran screaming from BattleTech" demographic too.
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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