Facing and movement

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Ill-Fated Peasant
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Facing and movement

Post by khshea »

This may not deserve its own topic because it's a relatively simple question but . . .

Can a mech only move in the direction it is facing? No backing up, no side-stepping, etc?
Kevin Shea
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Post by mythfish »

Mechs can back up, and I see I forgot to include those rules. They cannot sidestep. Backing up requires a piloting action roll. More or less like this:

AWFUL: The mech falls down.
MEDIOCRE: The mech stumbles and must end its movement phase.
GOOD: The mech can move in reverse a number of hexes up to its Maneuver rating.
GREAT: The mech can move backwards its full Speed if it wants to.

Rough terrain still requires 2 Speed while moving backwards, and it cannot be rushed through. A successful piloting roll allows a mech to move backwards in a straight line. If a mech changes facing or move forward after backing up, it will have to make another piloting check if it wants to back up again the same phase.
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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