DMB current rules

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Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
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DMB current rules

Post by mythfish »

Come here if you ever need to download the most recent version of the rules. I will edit this post as the rules document gets updated so the most current version is always available here at the top of the thread.

The current version of the rules is:
Version 3.1
Last edited by mythfish on Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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Post by mythfish »

Changes made from v2.2 to v2.3
*added attack arc data and images in Melee/Ranged Phase section
*changed crit table to reflect No Effect for internal crits.
*changed crit info to make arcane mechs not immune to black OR RED crits.
*added info in crit section about swapping external crits for internal
*internal systems cannot be chosen from an accuracy crit
*added Swivel Mounts to gadgets chart.
*aim can now only be used with ranged attacks
*added the Action Table and changed all special move options to make use of it
*altered crit table to reflect no Might
*unit may only dodge ranged attacks
*added punching rules
*changed Might to Damage Bonus, and made it a secondary attribute
*updated tripping rules to use damage bonus instead of Might
*updated mech sheet and added it to rules book
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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Post by mythfish »

Changes from version 2.3 to version 2.4
• Updated Maneuver and Might references in mech design rules.
• Changed mech costs so steam and arcane cost 2/Hold and muscle costs 1/Hold.
• Altered damage for buzzsaw and lance.
• Altered cost of swivel mounts (I’m trying to avoid half-points).
• Added drone crew and rider platforms as mech equipment.
• Altered maximums and costs on several pieces of mech equipment.
• Boarding rules were changed pretty seriously.
• Replaced gender-specific pronouns with “they” and “their.” It’s a hangup of mine.
• Soldiers were updated and given a cost (5 points/unit).
• Added in “advanced rules” notes for climbing and trampling.
• Added an Penalty for firing past obstacles.
• Added the rules for mechs moving backwards.
• Changed two Warrior special abilities (Brute and Artillerist).
• Gave ranged weapons uniform ranges, instead of basing them on weapon level.
• Changed the Black critical under Body.
• Action rolls always fail on 1, succeed on 20.
• Changed mech sheet to reflect new Body crit.
• Added mini mech sheet.
• New pre-made mechs
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
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Post by mythfish »

Changes from 2.4 to 3.0:
too many to list them all, but here are some highlights:
  • *revised and tweaked numerous tables, including the accuracy table and crit table
    *expanded weapon list, with weapon descriptions
    *revised boarding rules
    *new terrain rules
    *new character rules and abilities
    *much more!
There were bunches of little tweaks and major changes, so be sure to read the rules again and don't assume you know how something works. The large mech sheet has not been updated yet to reflect the new crits, so keep that in mind if you use it.

Coming soon:
-Some predesigned mechs to use
-Alternate Tactics Phase rules to try
-A handy reference sheet to use while playing
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
Posts: 791
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:47 pm
Location: Louisville, KY

Re: DMB current rules

Post by mythfish »

DMB 3.1 is available for download. Changes from 3.0 to 3.1:
*Changler and ooze launcher have become normal weapons.
*Non-steam units can use steam weapons if they use 2x crew.
*Wands are now called Spellthrowers.
*Flail has been tweaked.
*Secure Hatches' bonus has been halved, but it now works in Boarding Battles too.
*Swivel Mounts are more expensive and much cooler.
*Mech Structure has been halved. It's now Hold x 5.
*Mechs now have 4 critical hits per location.
*Added section on Starting The Game to explain how to start the game.
*Altered the coglayer's Critical Repairs and Fix Structure abilities, and the sorcerer's Mending.
*Slight adjustments to Trampling and Boarding Battles tables.
*Fallen mechs aren't penalized so badly in melee and ranged combat.
*Armor has undergone major changes. It's now determined primarily by materials, which have different vulnerabilities and costs. Mech size only adds a small amount of Armor.
*The Action Table, and all the other tables in the game, have been changed to a new 5-part system. Results have been modified to reduce duplication.
*Clarified mech movement, facing, and the difference between Speed and Maneuver.
*Added blocking terrain keyword and changed impassable terrain to not block attacks.
*Changed sticky and slick terrain to reflect new action table.
*Added page numbers.
*Large mechs can now trample smaller mechs.
*Mechs take more damage for falling from higher elevations.
*Aiming must be declared in the movement phase, so it works more like charging.
*Coglayer's overload ability cannot be used with magic weapons.
*Reworded Mech Jockey's Speed Demon ability.
*Normal weapons are now referred to as mundane weapons.
*Updated hook rules to reflect new action table.
*Removed extra Armor from the list of things to buy.
*Added a table of base costs for various mechs.
*Replaced sorcerer's decay ability with countermagic ability.
*Added new weapon and mech equipment options.
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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