
Private forum for DragonMech Battles development.

Moderators: walrusjester, mythfish

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Post by khshea »

Some friends and I FINALLY got to play: 2 Skullcrushers vs. a Lancer in a match that took 3 hours. At the end, there was a single Skullcrusher standing (barely).

Overall things worked well and made sense, but play stopped quite a bit to look something up, or try to figure out what the wording of something in the rules meant.

I've gone through the first half of the rules and added my comments and thoughts in red. I'm planning on following up with the second half of the rules. Is there a way I can post it as an attachment on the board?

Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
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Post by mythfish »

I don't think there is a way to post a file to the board other than hosting the file somewhere else and linking to it for a download. So you can do that, or just email it to me & Matt I suppose.
Dieter Zimmerman
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Post by walrusjester »

And thanks to going to all that effort! It'll be invaluable when we do our next update.
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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