Playtesting status

Private forum for DragonMech Battles development.

Moderators: walrusjester, mythfish

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Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
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Location: Louisville, KY

Playtesting status

Post by mythfish »

We're almost halfway through our allotted playtesting time...we've got until the end of April to get all the kinks worked out. We're working on a pretty major revision to the rules right now, which we can hopefully have ready for testing in another week or two.

What's in the pipeline:
*Changes to characters and character abilities
*Changes to the boarding rules
*Updated and expanded weapon list, with descriptions
*New, more detailed terrain rules
*Major revision of the accuracy table
*Possibly an expansion of the Tactics Phase to make it more interesting
*Other stuff I forget

We've got a lot of stuff we're going to need feedback for in a relatively short timeframe. So sit back and relax a bit until we get the next version of rules ready, and then we'd really appreciate it if you can playtest the snot of them and let us know what works and what doesn't!
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
Ill-Fated Peasant
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Post by zamzow »

So- whats the status of the new rules?
when do we get to chomp our chompers into them?

and before they;re posted, any particular concerns that are coming up that ya'all want us to pay particualt attention to?
Chaos-Summoning Sorcerer
Posts: 791
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:47 pm
Location: Louisville, KY

Post by mythfish »

Yeah, it's taking a little longer than I thought. We're working on them pretty hard this weekend and hopefully we'll be able to post the new rules early next week. But you know, I've said that before. :oops:
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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