The M-K's gave it a go on Sunday, April 6th, from 6:15 to about 8:30 p.m.
We skimmed a lot of the rules due to information overload. We felt too overwhelmed to create mechs so we opted for one of the four pregen versions online, the BARBAGULA which we have since dubbed the "BARBARELLA." After reading the super secret phrase we had our own that we desired, "super simple."
On Terrain: We put out some terrain markers using dice on the hex map. It was only semi-useful since we chose the same mech to use and it didn't have any ranged weapons.
On Crew: We didn't bother with crew except for the issue of taking location damage and reducing speed/man. when at 50 or 25 % of total structure. I preferred to think of it as mech versus mech rather than having to consider small details. I wanted to get down to the core of things.
On Mechs: Because we had skimmed and hadn't built our own mechs, it wasn't immediately obvious what DB (Damage Bonus) was because every other stat was spelled out, especially in the equipment section. It was hard to read the equipment in the run on paragraph and figure that this may be defined by a list or other typographic treatment in the finishe product. We also figured out that the numbers in parentheses were before equipment modifiers and to ignore them for the numbers outside of parentheses. A diagram of some kind pointing out these things on a page might be useful for newbies who want to play immediately.
On Charts: Wow... um... not for the number or roll-light player. After a while I'm sure players would memorize what the numbers are and what they mean, but initially it's a large speed bump in play enjoyment and a source of comic relief as in "I don't know if I can do this, lets look for a chart to tell us if we can and what happens if we try." For example I couldn't find a chart on helping fallen Mechs back up, so we went with Piloting checks and if we rolled really badly risked falling as well, possibly on top of the fallen Mech.
More on Charts: On a few of them, there was no difference or benefit from rolling a Great than a Good and we wondered why that was?
On Accuracy Penalty for Ranged Attacks on an Adjacent Target: What is the actual penalty number for this as we couldn't find it in the text? Also, is there a bonus for attacking a prone Mech and what would that be?
On Changling and Tripping: There is an automatic -1 penalty to hit with the Changler. So first you have to roll to see if you make contact with a target with the Changler at a -1. Then you roll again to see if you actually trip. I can see why this is. Do you still inflict damage with the first attempt and not trip? Then you roll again to see if you trip? I guess I'm wondering why this can't be simplified to roll just once with the Mishap; the Poor (miss); the Good of doing damage only; the Great of doing damage and tripping; and Critical doing damage, tripping and entangling or disabling a limb?
On Meelee to Ranged Weapons: I believe I recall that weapons mounted on limbs have to stay there unless the crew can remove them? Could you have your Mech remove the Lance or Changler and throw it at a Mech like a spear or a bolo respectively or is this outside of a Mech's performance capabilities?
On Structure: Keeping track of Structure points and damage points was a chore. I wanted to have something akin to the accuracy chart with four categories, or like in Shadowrun that gives an overall damage condition: Light, Moderate, Severe, and Deadly. Light is superficial, Moderate start applying simple penalties, Severe could have limbs or systems or crew disabled and deadly would result in shutdowns, fires, etc. in suitably dramatic fashion. It became more about watching numbers than observing side-effects of battle. I felt like this would work better in a video game with a damage color bar than with having to pencil off points and then change it with modifiers. I wanted to focus on wailing on the opponent.
On Immobility: Are Mechs incabably of rotating their torsos to change facing if they cannot turn otherwise through structure loss or crew loss?
Having started at the far ends of the hex map and then going through the Phases only to realize we didn't have any ranged weapons and had to stroll across the field to finally meet and do battle.
Tripping onseself through a Mishap with the Changler and then repeatedly failing to get back up. Trying to help the opponent up in order to do regular combat because it wasn't clear how to attack the prone target and I felt sorry for the other Mech.
I'm sure there will be a detailed index in the final edition and that the page numbers will actually print out when you print it out as our did not have them.
Attack and Damage: Very soon after starting I wanted a single roll to do both, or two simultaneous rolls with one to determine accuracy and the other to determine effects.
Finishing the Opponent: It was a call to mercy to end things. We just attacked Internal Structures 90 of the time to end the game quicker (sort of). 100 points was more than enough to have to count down and was one of the main reasons why we avoided trying the TYPHOON with 700.
At least for me I think that I would play this more if it could be simplified down even more and be less number-driven somehow and more action-based. Maybe what I'm interested in is not suited for DMB?
We are looking forward to trying the game again this week and again on next weekend using more advanced rules and even make our own mechs and use a few more. Should be exciting!
M-K's try out DMB for the first time!
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Re: M-K's try out DMB for the first time!
Yes, so noted!harleqwn wrote:We also figured out that the numbers in parentheses were before equipment modifiers and to ignore them for the numbers outside of parentheses. A diagram of some kind pointing out these things on a page might be useful for newbies who want to play immediately.
It may help to realize that all the rolls for actions are in essence a single chart. The use the exact same number breakdown, and in many cases have the same or a very similar result for each success category. The reference sheet available in another thread (to officially be included in the next version) is very helpful in remembering these things.On Charts: Wow... um... not for the number or roll-light player. After a while I'm sure players would memorize what the numbers are and what they mean, but initially it's a large speed bump in play enjoyment
I think that's mostly lack of creativity on our part. Changing that is one of my personal goals for the next version.More on Charts: On a few of them, there was no difference or benefit from rolling a Great than a Good and we wondered why that was?
That was something that was under much debate for a while, and we decided on a -4 penalty for most weapons. I think we have forgotten to explicitly spell that out anywhere, but in the weapons list for v3.0 the list tells you for each ranged weapon available whether it is usable normally in melee, usable at -4 in melee, or not usable in melee.On Accuracy Penalty for Ranged Attacks on an Adjacent Target: What is the actual penalty number for this as we couldn't find it in the text? Also, is there a bonus for attacking a prone Mech and what would that be?
Changlers normally do no damage; they just trip. But I see your point, and I'll look into that.On Changling and Tripping: There is an automatic -1 penalty to hit with the Changler. So first you have to roll to see if you make contact with a target with the Changler at a -1. Then you roll again to see if you actually trip. I can see why this is. Do you still inflict damage with the first attempt and not trip? Then you roll again to see if you trip? I guess I'm wondering why this can't be simplified to roll just once with the Mishap; the Poor (miss); the Good of doing damage only; the Great of doing damage and tripping; and Critical doing damage, tripping and entangling or disabling a limb?
Normally I'd say that's outside the scope of a mech's capabilities. Think of them like a GI Joe action figure...they're somewhat articulated, but no where near as flexible as an actual body. Throwing something requires pretty good wrist and finger articulation.On Meelee to Ranged Weapons: I believe I recall that weapons mounted on limbs have to stay there unless the crew can remove them? Could you have your Mech remove the Lance or Changler and throw it at a Mech like a spear or a bolo respectively or is this outside of a Mech's performance capabilities?
Yes, mechs are not capable of rotating their torsos. Somewhere in the rules (but darned if I can find it nowOn Immobility: Are Mechs incabably of rotating their torsos to change facing if they cannot turn otherwise through structure loss or crew loss?

Yes, I'm assuming there will be an index. I meant to add page numbers to this version, but forgot.I'm sure there will be a detailed index in the final edition and that the page numbers will actually print out when you print it out as our did not have them.
Entirely possible...I think we've created a fairly simple game, in comparison to other similar games out there. But your feedback is important even if this isn't your kind of game, because we want to make a game that holds some appeal for people whose sort of game this isn't.At least for me I think that I would play this more if it could be simplified down even more and be less number-driven somehow and more action-based. Maybe what I'm interested in is not suited for DMB?
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]