Kitchen Table Playtest 4-19-08

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Kitchen Table Playtest 4-19-08

Post by walrusjester »

My usual playtesters, aided and abetted by the visiting khshea, hammered away at the 3.0 rules for a few hours last night. I got a page full of useful notes and feedback, the highlights of which include:

1) A few hours is too long. Admittedly, we were distracted because the kids were watching The Princess Bride in the next room, but after 3 hours or so we still hadn't knocked any mechs out of the fight. One of our design goals is for games to last around an hour, and that ain't happening yet. One possible solution is reducing the amount of Structure and/or the # of critical hits each mech has. Do you have opinions?

2) Charts! I made a consolidated page of charts for us to use, only it turned out to be several pages long. I imagine this won't surprise the M-Ks. I'd like to get the charts reduced to a single page's worth. Look for revisions in the next draft of the rules.

3) How should hit locations work? I really like the current system, where you only have one Accuracy roll and it determines which player chooses hit locations. Not everyone seems to like it as much - some people would prefer a second die roll that randomly selects a hit location. What do you all think?
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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Re: Kitchen Table Playtest 4-19-08

Post by mythfish »

walrusjester wrote: 2) Charts! I made a consolidated page of charts for us to use, only it turned out to be several pages long. I imagine this won't surprise the M-Ks. I'd like to get the charts reduced to a single page's worth. Look for revisions in the next draft of the rules.
Did you try the one I posted here a couple weeks ago?
Dieter Zimmerman
[[Faceless Minion of the Dark Master]]
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Re: Kitchen Table Playtest 4-19-08

Post by walrusjester »

Nope, forgot all about it. Yours is nice and condensed, too.
DragonMech line developer, freelance writer, tall guy named Matt.
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