Hi everyone,
Welcome to the DCC RPG playtest forum, and thanks for your help. Here are the ground rules.
1. It's my game and my investment. I will listen to all feedback then make a decision. Expect to have some of your feedback accepted, and some of it rejected.
2. Playtesters will have different points of view. Having playtested this game with nearly 50 people so far, I've already received several suggestions that are mutually incompatible. I expect the same to happen here. Feel free to post your ideas, knowing that other gamers playing the same game may reach exactly opposite conclusions. (It's actually pretty interesting how often this happens!) If a disagreement happens here on the forums, make your point then let it go -- I'm looking for good feedback and good debate, but not rancor. (And I'll be the final judge, either way.)
3. Focus on game feedback, not marketing suggestions. I'm open to brilliant marketing ideas via email, but that's not the focus of this forum. The time for those ideas will come, later.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
Playtesting ground rules
- Cold-Hearted Immortal
- Posts: 2704
- Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2002 12:41 pm
- Location: San Jose, CA
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