After reading the playtest the thing that stood out to me was that more than D&D itself the DCC RPG is a reflection of the various fantasy novels of the 60's and 70's particularly swords & sorcery.
We have dangerous magic, evil magic, bloody combat, and variable magic.
So my question is that was anything missed from those novels and should be covered? Particularly for lower level character.
Off the top of my head I would think some type of mass combat system. There were plenty of Conan and other novels were I read character were involved in battles even at "low level".
Perhaps something with the scope of a fantasy version of Traveller's Mercenary. Enough rules to figure out the results of a battle, how the players did, (and what damage they suffered), and rules to raise and support small mercenary forces. Something like GURPS Mass Combat but more fantasy oriented and focused.
Appendix N and the Game
- Wild-Eyed Zealot
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:47 am
- Cold-Hearted Immortal
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Re: Appendix N and the Game
Firstly, I'm really glad you're getting the "Appendix N" vibe from the game. I'm glad that's coming through.
That's a great point on the mass battles. It's not just Conan, either. Poul Anderson's novels feature a lot of that (The Broken Sword, The High Crusade, etc.). So does Lin Carter's World's End series...and're right, it's a common thread. But do you think that would be low-level or high-level rules? Usually it seems like the theme of those scenes is "the PCs are able to turn the tide of battle with their heroism" - seems like more of a mid to high level scenario...
That's a great point on the mass battles. It's not just Conan, either. Poul Anderson's novels feature a lot of that (The Broken Sword, The High Crusade, etc.). So does Lin Carter's World's End series...and're right, it's a common thread. But do you think that would be low-level or high-level rules? Usually it seems like the theme of those scenes is "the PCs are able to turn the tide of battle with their heroism" - seems like more of a mid to high level scenario...
- Cold-Hearted Immortal
- Posts: 2704
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- Location: San Jose, CA
Re: Appendix N and the Game
P.S. I'm definitely planning on rules for hirelings/retainers, and a simple d20-based morale system (kind of like a Will save but for morale purposes). I could see about a way to broaden that to mercenaries...and maybe extrapolate from there...
Another random thought: what do you think about morale rules for monsters?
Another random thought: what do you think about morale rules for monsters?
- Wild-Eyed Zealot
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:47 am
Re: Appendix N and the Game
I seem to remember a lot of "character get caught up in a battle moments as well. My most vivid memories are of Conan where he in the beginning of his career and was part of a guard or bandit gang. I am sure there are other examples. That would be what the referee being using the mass combat rules for low level character. "What happened to you in that battle." The mercenary rules for low level games could be used to run Black Company style campaigns from the point of view of the PCs being the grunts. These are two ways that added rules can carry their weight throughout the campaign rather being relegated to the high level campaign as it is traditionally done.goodmangames wrote: But do you think that would be low-level or high-level rules? Usually it seems like the theme of those scenes is "the PCs are able to turn the tide of battle with their heroism" - seems like more of a mid to high level scenario...
- Wild-Eyed Zealot
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:47 am
Re: Appendix N and the Game
Good thought, I think there is enough instances of a character in the various books causing a rout to warrant their inclusion. Probably want to make it colorful like you did with the various critical miss/hit tables.goodmangames wrote: Another random thought: what do you think about morale rules for monsters?
For example miss your save by 1 then X, by 4 then Y, by 8, then Z.
An example entry
A failure by 1 or 2 causes 1/2 of the remaining group to scream and rush at you in mad terror. Their mad flailing gives them -2 to hit and a +2 bonus to your attacks. However if they hit they get +2 damage. The rest of the groups retreats their widened eyes and trembling weapons showing the fear they feel.
A failure by 8 will cause 1/4 of the group prostrate themselves on the ground before the characters crying out for mercy while the remainder run away in terror throwing away their weapons any heavy gear to run faster.
I am sure you can jazz it up better.