This is a slightly different issue from the DCC RPG rules itself, but I'd love to see the associated adventures try to present things in a new & improved means of communicating information visually (while at the same time going back to the classics for the content of that information).
Some of this is, I think, common in homebrew adventures but not in published ones. When I make a map for myself, I write information into each room. When I prep a published one, I go through and write notes on the map; for example in Sailors of the Starless Sea, I wrote in "bodies move, 2 vine horrors; banner; 'repent'; DC 15 crumble," etc. I did a blog post about this because it was the easiest way I know to post the images.
One example of something I'd love to see that isn't commonly done but I think would make running a dungeon much easier, especially if the party is mapping (as they should!), is to have distances encoded on the map like Telecanter talks about here.
New presentation in dungeon design
New presentation in dungeon design
Co-author: Forgotten Heroes: Fist, Fang, and Song and Scythe and Shroud; Heroes' Handbook: Eladrin; and two finished Goodman projects that haven't been announced yet, with others on the drawing board!
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